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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • And then what?

    Mongolia is fully landlocked and is a minor military power.

    • They cannot get him out of the country to the ICC as neither Russia nor China would give them flight permissions. Russia for obvious reasons and China would surely not do it as well - as it would make travelling for Xi much more problematic, especially after what he plans with Taiwan.

    • They cannot keep him there because the Russians, as military incapable as they are, would basically drive into UB and simply retrieve him. The Mongolian armed forces have a joint budget that is less than what a single CH-53K King Stallion costs. Their army is based on (hardly working) T54 and BMP1. Their airforce owns exactly two Mig29 Fighters (gift of Russia). And that does not even include the very real possibility that the Chinese do Vladimir a favour and get him - simply to make sure to keep the West occupied and shift the focus away from them and Taiwan again.

    • If they keep him there and he dies…well…that would at least mean the end of the political ruling class of the country and could lead to the very real threat of large scale revenge by either Russia or Russia and China.

    My personal prophecy for any scenario like that would be that a few thousand Mongolians die, around 300.000 end up in labour camps and Mongolia as a sovereign nation ceases to exist. Why? Mongolia exists mainly because two major powers “couldn’t be bothered” to conquer them, it would make them look bad and a buffer to a not that welcome neighbour is always welcome. If Mongolia fucks it up for one or both of them it basically looses that “reason” to exist in the eyes of both the Russians and the Chinese. And they would be “bad enough” in the light of a lot of countries as well as their own population that a “swift special military operation” is justified.

  • sighs Oh god. No, it wouldn’t. Here we go.

    The name pressure headaches come from the feeling of pressure,not from actual pressure - actually most pressure headaches are not caused by a process within the cerebral cavity at all. Most are related to sinuses, especially the frontal sinuses, teeth, the middle ear/auris media, tension headaches(which are usually cervical/muscular). Only migraines as a cause for pressure headaches are actually within the cerebral cavity but have nothing to do with actual pressure. (Okay, actually we don’t really know how they start - but we are really sure it’s not the pressure)

    As the brain matter itself has no pain receptors it does not actually feel pain - but the root of nerves like the Trigeminus, Occipitalis and the layers of tissue covering the brain (Meninges) as well as the vessels can absolutely feel pain. A lot of pain.

    Cerebral bleeds, post aneurysm or trauma, usually happen in a very acute form or very slowly - with patients suffering from minutes to month from occasional headaches,often rather mild and not “pressure” headaches. Often after an initial knockout punch. (And at that point I must remind people that someone who has been knocked out needs a brain scan urgently. It’s NOT something to joke about and feel ultra manly,eh, toxic masculinity, about)

    The acute form is totally different though - it’s one of the nastiest ways to go. Patients have a sudden onset of massive,life-changing pain, described by survivors as a catastrophic, sharp(*), pain associated with a fast onset of other neurological symptoms.

    Another misconception is the fact that the cerebral cavity has no openings - it has quite a few and when the pressure within the skull is increased by a pathologic event like a cerebral bleed or the swelling of the brain the brain gets pushed in these holes - mainly the hole connecting to the spinal column. Which is why cerebral bleeds are so deadly - because the brain goes “stem first” through there - and it’s too small even for the brain stem. And the stem is what regulates breathing,etc.
    Other nerves get simply sheered off/cut by the pressure. (This is part of the pain mentioned above - Large nerves being cut by your own blood pressure)

    Nevertheless even in these cases the removal of large parts of the skull as it is done by neurosurgeons does not alleviate the pain - the damage to tissue, nerves, etc. is done. The goal is to give the brain room and stop the bleeding. But thankfully we have good options for pain relief these days and these patients are in a very deep sedation/coma for a good reason.

    (There are of course rare special cases like hydrocephalus cases, but that’s a bit far fetched here)

    So no, it would not help a bit painwise ,even in the most extreme situations.

    So as a healthcare professional I generally would advise against drilling into one’s head. It will make a lot my colleagues very angry.

    And if you really feel you must do that please consult the nearest psychiatrist first. And if you then still feel like you must do that, make sure to do it during business hours, make also sure you livestream a video of it for the loolz of a lot of HCPs around the world, get a testimony recorded so your next of kin can sue the earlier mentioned shrink that he did not admit you to a closed ward and most importantly get a organ donor registration.

    And due to a call a decade back I might also add: DO NOT drill into your own Sinuses as well,even if they are clogged up. Even if you are a doctor. You might accidentally (almost) lobotomize yourself.

    Source: Am a paramedic. Seen shit. Seen people do shit that started as an internet hoax.

  • A Chinese low cost manufacturer from Shenzhen. Their parent company is actually one of the Top 5 manufacturers - but none in the North/West has heard of them.

    They were specifically founded to provide smartphones for low and medium income markets like Africa, India, etc. Meanwhile they also manufacture phones there.

    Their parent company holds almost 50% of the African market share.

    They are actually producing decent phones by now - had the chance to take a look of one of their most recent phones a few weeks back. 5G, dual SIM, dedicated microSD slot, headphones jack (yes Lemmy!) and a big battery - but the camera and display were mediocre. Overall still a decent phone for a good price, even though they don’t sell them everywhere and I would be weary of the updates issue.

  • Yeah. Came here to write exactly this.

    What OP misunderstood is the old tale of mortality vs. lethality.

    In a simplified explanation: Mortality defines the percentage of deaths in a population by a cause.

    Lethality is the percentage of deaths of people suffering from a cause.

    In our case:

    • Smokers might only get hit by a bus slightly less often or slightly more often(1) (Mortality)

    • But they have a far greater chance of dying from it when they get hit. The same can be said for being shot,etc. Being a smoker always reduces your statistical chances.

    (1:Actually quite fascinating - there is conflicting evidence on that one, as smoking is often statistically associated with substance abuse and bad health - which increases the likelihood of major trauma events, but on the other hand smokers die earlier,leaving more old people to walk in front of vehicles due to reduced cognitive abilities)

  • As mentioned the Israelis used their tankers for Yemen- this has been confirmed in various media reports by now. Which is far easier considering they could easily use the red sea for these.

    …when they bombed Natanz earlier in 2024 they needed to bomb two radar installations on their way there to deliver a loitering ammunition with a far greater range to closer target.

    … Sure,the US could have allowed Israeli jets to use Al Udeid(which is the only base that allows F35 in the region and range that is currently under direct US control)for refuelling. But this base is basically under 34/7 surveillance by every half worthy intelligence agency and a lot of plane spotters. Al-Asad is used in conjunction with the Iraqis (which would surely not keep their mouth shut if the Israelis showed up there, especially after the earlier attack on their radar).Also range wise it is to far away.

    … I have explained why a drone attack even from a US installation is next to impossible in my other post. As well as the small likelyhood of the US administration to risk a direct involvement here (which does not make their stance on Gaza any better).

    And for the rest here: Look at OPs post history. It’s basically only one sided posts on the Gaza/IIR/Hezbollah conflict and sprinkled with fake news. OP is a IIR shill

  • Parts of the wall are blown out,not the entire wall - considering Iranian(!) reports how many other people were in the same building and did not end up getting killed that is incredible precision like. Have you seen the damage a hellfire, a Popeye or a ROCKS missile does? They would only leave rubble of the building if fully armed and even when unarmed would harm far more people/cause more damage if only partially or unarmed. (And leave a lot of parts for the Iranian government to show around).

    Besides: When Israel attacked Natanz they had to blast two more radar sites (Iraqi and Syrian) on their way. Nothing like that happened this time,even though both sides are operational again according to their respective militaries.

    So there is definitely no air to surface missile involved here,sorry.

    And while an attack with a purely ballistic missile is always possible basically everyone and their mother would detect these (including a lot of not very Israel friendly countries like Russia, Türkiye, Chins,etc.).

    And in terms of a small drone: Sorry,but are you fucking kidding me? Hezbollah has the fucking Israeli border right in front of their door. A household DJI drone can fly from Hezbollah positions into Israel.

    In the Iranian matter we have 600+km of Iranian(!) airspace just to get to the closest border towards Israel and over 1400km in total. You know what makes small drones small? Their small batteries and their small range. For a drone this large we are talking about the size of a Harop or larger - which would be very very observable on radar. And we haven’t even talked about the second problem so far: Communication. A drone needs either a radio link to or very very EW resistant navigation. Neither the US,UK, France or Germany have pulled this off in a non stealth/much larger drone so far beyond a few hundreds km for an attack drone . And no, satellite connections are not a solution here as you can easily identify them with capable EW/AD operators (which Iran generally has + their neighbours definitely have). That’s why global hawks, etc. are very much visible.

    So unless Israel has a magic mini drone that flies 1400km undetected and without any good communication link for at least 700km there is only one option for the small drone scenario: That the Mossad/IDF managed to get some operators within 50km of Teheran, launch a previously unknown stealth drone unseen by local security agencies and AD, set up a very capable comm link without being picked up or aim the drone themselves and then exfil without being seen. Which is even a larger intelligence blunder than the bomb being placed inside the building.

    So no,there is literally close to zero probability that the Israelis pulled off a missile or drone strike like that.

    If they do have a magic drone that defies current technical limitations and a lot of physics the international community should be really worried and I must tip my head to them for such an extraordinary achievement.

    And sorry, if you repeat the same sentence without any valid arguments it makes me wonder if you are just a shill spreading propaganda here. Oh wait. Let’s have a look at your account. And oh wonder: You are exclusivly posting one sided content on the issue, often riddled with fake news.

    You are indeed an IIR shill

  • And this F35/drone came from where? And shot with what?

    The F35 has an estimated range of 2800km without any weaponry and a realistic combat range of around 1400km.

    That would mean Israel would need to use mid air refuelling or external fuel tanks (which they absolutely have for the F35) - the F35 were involved in Yemen,but the distance to Yemen is much smaller from Nevatim.

    Now, there is of course the option to mid air refuelling as they did for Yemen. But: Tankers are regular airline aircraft and as such they are visible on every military and civil radar since the 40ies. And there is a lot of unfriendly airspace between the Iranian airspace and Israel - namely Syria and Iraq - but also long range radars from Iran, Türkiye, etc.would be able to pick that up. Additionally: Teheran is a long way from the only spot where Israel could do such a refuelling operation - the Persian gulf (and/or Iraq’s airspace,but that doesn’t change a thing). Even IF they somehow managed to sneak a tanker through AND pulled of an refuelling operation without anyone noticing they would need to fly the F35 to Teheran and back from international or “bribed friendly” airspace.

    Which is also out of the range of a stealth F35. Sure,you can use external fuel tanks and a buddy to buddy refuelling system - but that would mean that the tanker-F35 would be non-stealth and the refuelling process IN Iranian airspace would be even less stealth.

    AND the Israelis would need to follow this up with another tanker refuelling operation,now with Iranian radars in full defence mode after the strike. AND we haven’t even talked about the projectile which would need to be stealth as well AND both precise and small enough to take out only a single room and that room only. Currently there is none that we are aware of.

    Tbh: Sure, in theory it could be done. But it would still rely on gross Iranian air defence incompetence, multiple not very Israel friendly neighbouring countries keeping their mouth shut AND a projectile that would have been previously unknown.

    So there is a close to zero possibility that this really happened - even for Israel’s often daring missions this is beyond their means. (Besides the US would very likely stop further deliveries if Israel would risk multiple F35 over Iran for such a mission)

    But of course there is a second option: The United states! Well. Of course. They absolutely have carriers in the region and in theory try such a mission - their only advantage here would be,that they don’t need the tanker air refueling part, though - the buddy refuelling would still be needed, though and is still a problem, same goes for the projectile. And the US has zero political inclination to do so because if they got caught they are in deep shit worldwide, they are already in deep shit as they likely need to defend Israel from the retaliation anyway, they also do not risk a F35 lightly AND the democrats would surely loose the election as well if this goes wrong. So basically they are extremely unlikely as well.

    Now of course there are drones left. You mentioned small drones - they indeed are an option for surgical strikes like that and are used in Ukraine like that. But: These drones have a very small range as well - OR they are big and easy to see on radar. Even a household drone can be seen easily on a 70ies military radar… So they would need to have a team within close proximity as well…

    So again… it’s highly unlikely.

  • There is currently no known projectile that can take out a single room in a suburban concrete building with such precision without collateral damage, even less one that cannot be detected by radar and can be delivered by a stealth aircraft. Of course there might be technology we are unaware of, but it is highly unlikely just due to the physics behind it. (And which obviously did not lead any parts behind)

    But it is a huge embarrassment, even a major risk for their lives, for the Iranian security services and some of their higher ups if the story about the planted bomb is true. Because that means even very elite Republican guard units and officers are either very very bad at their job - or a Mossad asset. Both are a major risk for the political elite in Iran as both the embarrassment towards the public and especially their own allies, but also possible infighting/blamegames are a danger to the current status.

    So I wonder which theory is more likely to be true: A mysterious wonder of a projectile or a political regime lying.

  • Unlike posted here multiple times already tea does indeed release most flavouring agents in cold water as well - but it takes much longer and the actual boiling process wouldn’t help a bit. There are even speciality types which require cold preparation.

    Nevertheless: Tea is never,never and under no circumstances prepared with boiling water or worse, directly boiled! That ruins it totally as it will release various agents that will make it bitter (and can actually it is unhealthy as it increases the release of some insecticides/pesticides it might contain). 90° C/194° F for black tea, 80°C/175°F for green tea is a good upper(!) limit. Some teas require far lower temperatures, though.

    It always pains me when people douse (often rather expensive/good) tea with actual boiling water.