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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Imaginary grenades.

    Having porn made of you is imaginary?

    At some point the “it’s just a game” also stops holding water…

    The video game doesn’t produce anything.

    AI is not the cause for generating deep fakes,

    DUIs can be reduced with public transportation. What do you propose reduces… porn fakes?

    Ain’t it interesting how coming up with a consistent framework, makes it applicable to different areas of life?

    Fucking lol.

    My problem with machine learning porn is that it’s artless generic template spam clogging up my feed of shit I actually want to see. But you know, to each their own.

  • I don’t know specifically, but there are lots of options.

    One I’ve heard is “sexting -> pictures from you -> blackmail.”

    Another one might be “flirting -> let’s meet irl -> immigration says they want 20,000 pls help 🥺”

    Could also be “flirting -> I just inherited 20,000 -> my grandma is trying to take it -> can you hold it for me?” where they’re pretending to give you money, but there are bank transfer fees they need you to pay for some reason.

    The AI convo step is just to offload the work of finding good marks. You’re likely to get a real person eventually if you act gullible enough.

  • And how ads on TV are sometimes so much louder than the show they’re cut between. And the glitches! Sometimes, you have to completely power cycle your phone to fix something simple. And how Facebook’s curated, algorithmic feed sends people down extremist pipelines, fueling things like public shootings and the January 2021 Capital riots. And how the continued atomization of society into smaller and smaller pieces (e.g. suburbia) has made people lonelier than they ever have been. And how the displacement of work onto capable machines never seems to yield benefits onto the people whose work is being displaced, only their bosses.

    I guess if all you remember are Letterman’s fumbling grandpa jokes about what the Internet is, gosh dang, even useful for, I could see why you’d think nobody’s criticisms are real.