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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • If you use the public instance you don’t need to set up or host or install anything. You can selfhost it if you want, but the public instance works just fine.

    One person goes to the web page and starts a room. The other can join the same room by knowing the name of the room. (It will generate a link when you create a room to make it easy to send to someone so they can join by just clicking the link.)

  • Considering they hate us this is their best move.

    This is a super naive way of looking at geopolitics, especially regarding China. We are their biggest trade ally. If the US crumbles, both of our economies implode. Trump wants to put insane tariffs on our imports from China. An economically strong US is to China’s benefit since we are their single biggest trade ally (comparable to the entire European Union, which includes major trade allies as well). A strong US is not “China’s biggest hurdle.”

    Russia geopolitically benefits from Trump in power because, among other things, Trump is fine letting Russia continue to ravage Ukraine with war and wants to pull us out of NATO (or at least cut funding to it). We don’t have strong trade relations with Russia so they aren’t directly affected if we economically flounder (the weak trade relations is why the sanctions on Russia did basically nothing long-term; Russia was already doing very little trade with the US).

    China is not interested in “destabilizing the west.” They would obviously benefit from being the economic center of the world, but they get there via strong geopolitical and economic relations with other relevant countries (which means not trying to cause those countries to collapse). Russia has less incentive to avoid causing turmoil in the US and EU, but right now it would very directly benefit from a Trump presidency, which in this case would be the driver behind Russia’s decision to help put Trump back in power.

  • I swear there was at least one more server I looked at but passed over and I cannot recall the name.

    Maybe Jellyfin? It’s best at movies/shows but it also handles music (and more). The native music experience isn’t great but it works. For Windows/Linux/Mac you can use Feishin (I use and mostly recommend it, also you can use the web app version). Android has Symfonium I use and highly recommend it, also it works with FAR more than just Jellyfin). I don’t use iOS but I just looked for an iOS app and found AmpFin (not to be confused with Finamp).

    You said your users have their own libraries. Jellyfin works great with this. Out each in its own folder, create a new library for each in Jellyfin (pointing to each folder), and you can choose which accounts can see which libraries (and optionally let them manage libraries too so they can delete songs or modify metadata for the libraries they have access to).

    I’m a fan of Jellyfin if you couldn’t tell…

  • I use Watchtower and haven’t had any major issues in the two(?) years I’ve been using it. Make sure you use persistent volumes for your containers and make sure you back up those volumes. If anything breaks, you can roll back to before the update.

    If you don’t use persistent volumes, you’ll lose data when Watchtower takes down the image and replaces it with the newer one (which doesn’t copy over ephemeral volumes).

    I also recommend for database containers to use an image tag that won’t update with breaking changes. Don’t use postgres:latest, use postgres:15.2 or something like that (whatever the image you’re using the database for recommends).

  • Portainer does store compose files though? I’ve manually used docker compose commands from the folders Portainer saves them in. They’re labeled with numbers instead of project names which makes it difficult to know which one you’re looking for, but I use rga so that wasn’t as much of an issue for me as it would have been otherwise. It was tedious, but the compose files very much exist on your hard drive.

  • This most recent ruling wildly expanded the immunity, added presumed immunity for adjacent actions, and phrased everything in such a way that actually prosecuting the president for literally anything will take years.

    Say the president does something you think is illegal and should be prosecuted. Stop. Before you can take him to court over that, you need to determine if what he did was “official” or “unofficial.” SCOTUS didn’t give deterministic guidelines to differentiate, so you need to have a separate court case just for that. Alright so let’s have the court case that determines whether what the president did was official or unofficial. Let’s introduce some evidence—

    Stop. Evidence from official acts cannot be introduced in a case to prove something was unofficial. So you actually need to have a separate court case to determine if that evidence is official or unofficial. Once you have your results, one party won’t like it and will appeal it up and up to the supreme court. Repeat for potentially every single piece of evidence.

    Okay now that we know what evidence we can and can’t introduce, we can finally determine if what the president did was official or unofficial. Once we have a result, one party won’t like it and it will be appealed all the way up to the supreme court again. Only when SCOTUS rules the action was unofficial (IF they rule it was unofficial) can you then BEGIN the process of actually taking the president to court over that action.

    This will take years, not to mention the supreme court is appointed by the president and it recently ruled that taking bribes after you do something instead of before is perfectly legal actually. This is all by design. The point is to keep this all tied up in court for years, which effectively gives the president full immunity for everything. And he can also pressure the courts or judges to rule his way via any number of threats (if you think that’s an unofficial act, feel free to take him to court over it).

    This is pretty clearly designed to functionally protect the president from all culpability (which the dissenting SCOTUS opinions agree on, ergo their dissent).

  • The thing is in this case, it’s only human suffering. People don’t actually work nonstop all week. Giving them fewer hours over four days means they’re more productive for those days because they’re not dragging out their work to fill the arbitrary 40 hours they have to work for. So companies pay workers the same, but can save money in amenities and office space or whatever by using it less AND have more productive workers. Longer work weeks don’t actually make companies more money (oversimplifying and speaking broadly).

  • It’s not overpopulation. We are seeing the results of late stage capitalism coming into effect. When you design the economy around an owning class vs a working class, the owning class will use its inherent leverage and capital to beget more leverage and capital. That happens at the expense of the working class. If your income mainly comes from working for money, you are part of the working class.

    The obvious solution here is to change the economic structure to not have an owning class at all or at least to keep it in check, but liberalism is not good at keeping it in check and leftism doesn’t have the momentum needed to change the world economic structure. Right now all we can do is make progress where we can, which means passing legislation that taxes and weakens the owning class in favor of supporting and empowering the working class through social programs and better pay and benefits. Unions will help you a TON here and more quickly than legislation, so look into joining/forming a union. Biden has changed the requirements for forming a union to make it really easy now. The other thing we can do is prevent fascists from tearing apart the systems we’ve built to allow that to even happen in the first place. That means not voting for or supporting right-wing politics.

    None of this is caused by overpopulation, and the myth that overpopulation is the main source of your problems directly benefits the owning class who is currently winning the zero-sum dynamic of owning vs working class. That dynamic is the reason things are bad and worsening. Join a union and vote for the most progressive viable candidate in both local and federal elections.

  • Anti-government protests on a massive scale don’t just happen. They are organized. They are backed by mutual aid networks. It’s easy to sit back and say “I’m not voting for either option because this whole system is bad,” but have you done literally any work at all to make the system less bad? Or to build up real alternatives? If the entire American voting system is undemocratic, what have you done in your local community to make your community’s voice heard outside of that system?

    I see so many people who are terminally online say they don’t want to participate in a broken system, and exactly zero of them do any work outside of (not) voting to fix the problems they see in their community. If you’re not gonna do the bare minimum and vote every four years for the least bad option, you better be doing literally any other real-world political work. Otherwise you’re just as complicit in the system you have such an issue with.

    Tldr: the revolution is not right around the corner; you will not be saved. Do some actual political legwork instead of sitting on your ass complaining the whole time. Complaining is easy. Fixing is hard.