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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Just to be clear, by “read the post” do you mean go through all the comments of the mega thread OP shared? That seems unreasonable as opposed to “OP could’ve been clearer”. I’ve read both OPs post as well as the jagex website linked by Reddit and neither have enough information to back up OPs claims without prior knowledge.

    Is there a more summarized version then “all the reddit comments on a mega thread” anywhere? Because that is basically halfway to telling someone to “do your own research”. At least quote some specific comments that could be taken as secondary sources.

    We’ve had to dilute clickbaity titles before, we’ve also been pissed off at clickbaity titles before. I’d rather that shit not be normalized, personally.

  • Oh.

    I don’t think I care enough about drama in a niche game to do a deep dive on all of the reddit comments to learn about something…

    It would be helpful if you or OP could provide links, or at least quote things. Most passerbys simply have better things to do than to find better context of what OP is saying about a game from 20 years ago. I think it’s only natural for people to be confused when OP didn’t provide enough context, or the only way to get context is to apparently read an entire Reddit threads worth of comments.

  • I feel like I’m missing something completely - maybe I do need to learn how to read. The only thing I’m seeing on the jagex page is new prices for a handful of currencies under “pricing table”, SEK is not one of them.

    There’s no mention of past prices at all? Is there another link I’m not seeing?

    EDIT: I think my main point is that as far as I can tell, you need to be an active member of the RuneScape community to know what the prices actually increased from, so “learn to read” wasn’t very helpful to casual passerbys, and OPs post could have some more clarity and examples of increased prices for those not already in the know. It was especially confusing that the only example they provided wasn’t an example of the 50% increase mentioned in the title.

    This is a general games community so I think it’s fair to ask for some more context and leniency for such a niche game. If you want folks to care, don’t make it hard for them to do so.

  • There’s no “requirement” to do anything.

    People fall in and out of the public eye. That’s a fact.

    CCP can wait until someone falls out of the public eye to do something about an unwanted individual. That’s a fact.

    Sure, if you think it’s your responsibility to save any such unwanted individual, you can interpret what they said as “you need a lifetime commitment”, but I don’t think that’s what they meant.

    It was an observation, not an accusation for a personal failing.