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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • Go scratch the surface of his resume.

    He was a cutout used by more powerful people, and placed into roles he wasn’t remotely qualified for.

    Basically, his hedge fund was a front. Rich people would park their money there, and in return, get access to the underage girls he provided.

    Which gave him more access, and more influence, to other elites e.g. politicians and aristocrats, which was used by his handlers in the intelligence communities to unclear ends.

    There’s a reason why that tapes the FBI discovered at his properties have gone “missing”, at least from public view.

    As for why I said he’s a moron, start here:

    His plan to cryogenically freeze his head and penis, to be reanimated in the future and repopulate the Earth.

    Oh, and just for the lulz.

    "Donald Barr’s son, US Attorney General William Barr is currently investigating the death of Jeffrey Epstein.

    In 1973, Donald Barr, hired a young 20 year old college dropout named Jeffrey E. Epstein to teach math at the Dalton School. Epstein taught at the school between 1974 and 1976.

    Donald Barr also wrote this sci-fi novel, Space Relations, about sex slavery in space."

    Other accounts dispute that Donald Barr actually met Epstein, but not that he was the headmaster at the school that hired Epstein, nor that he wrote that book.

    I’m not sure if this is another piece of damning evidence of him being placed in positions because of his proclivities, or just a darkly hilarious wtf fact.

  • News, tech, left-wing politics, memes, anime, and porn are Lemmy’s biggest community types.

    I know a lot of different subtopics fit under each, and I’m sure I left a few top level subjects out, but my point is that there are a lot of mid-sized, and especially smaller (by Reddit standards), subreddits that Lemmy is no where near being remotely useful as a replacement for yet.

    I have community subreddit collections that I don’t see Lemmy replacing anytime soon. I mean, I hope they do. I still check every so often, and yes, communities for them exist and they have maybe a few dozen users, but not enough to even try to just suck it up and deal.

  • Calling him Jeffrey Epstein is like calling Putin, Hitler.

    Yes, they’re all horrible people who’ve done evil shit, but the scale of their evil is worlds apart.

    Epstein ran an international cabal of underage sex trafficking that serviced the global elites, for money, political influence, and blackmail purposes.

    This dipshit locked girls in his apartment, sold alpha male grindset webinars, and had a wizard in his crew.

    But, if we’re being honest, Tate is probably a few IQ points higher than Epstein, who was a bonafide moron. I’m not saying Tate’s bright, I’m saying Epstein was really dumb.

    Still, the leagues they played in were stratospheres apart.

  • My comment was a response to yours and within the context of this article, not about the wider war, or other policy implications.

    This article is primarily talking about long range strike capabilities, such as Storm Shadow and ATACMS, the lack of supply currently being provided, and how that is being viewed by Ukraine.

    Your top comment only addressed issues relating to approval for strikes, which the article does mention, but it’s primarily focused on the lack of actual long range guided munitions being provided.

    If you’re familiar with how Ukraine stores their HIMARS and M270 MLRS platforms between fire missions, then that is why I meant by implying that munitions like Storm, Scalp, and ATACMS, are probably being stored relatively securely.

    But that last one is just an assumption of my part, I could be wrong about that.

    I am unaware of any artillery being fired into Moscow, are you talking about drones?

  • I mean, at least part of what he said isn’t technically wrong… School shootings are a “fact of life” in America.

    And honestly, if we’re not going to address the actual issue, which is guns at a national level, I wouldn’t mind seeing every single school turned into a miniature 1980s Beirut.

    Why not? Let’s assign a Meal Team Six to every school. We’ll get snipers on the roof, and random strip searches going on in K-12 education.

    Maybe we can empower groups of students within each school to be miniature deputies who are tasked with keeping order among the other inmates, I mean students. We can call this the trustee program.

    Oh, and by I wouldn’t mind, I mean I would be horrified and it would traumatize at least an entire generation of children before the program was scrapped, but if we’re already on this death drive and refuse to do anything meaningful, a part of me wants to see just how dumb we can really get.

  • This article is about manufacturing consent for the next foreign war.

    For the last decade of occupation, at least, the Taliban controlled all the tribal regions, which is the majority of the nation. Do you think these crimes against humanity were not occurring then?

    So how come now, after the withdrawal and end of the occupation, are news organizations suddenly devoting so much masthead to covering them?

    People tend to believe that propaganda means lies, but the most effective propaganda is the truth. It’s putting out information that is designed to elicit a specific emotional response or reaction. That is what this torrent of post withdrawal Afghanistan articles are about.

    How much coverage has been devoted to women’s rights versus the American post withdrawal policy freezing Afghanistan bank accounts to repay victims of 9/11? A policy that was directly linked to famines and food insecurity across the country.

    That is serious question and my point isn’t some reductive America is bad argument. It’s that only one of those stories advances a pro-western military intervention narrative.

    I will repeat what I already said, the story of that women is horrific and the Taliban is full of evil sadistic pieces of shit. But that is exactly why those narratives have been selected, because they help condition Western readers to be ready for the next foreign war.

    If you don’t believe me, look through all of the replies here that are using the emotional resonance of that woman as justification for military occupation.

  • Just a wild guess here, but I take it that you never got very good marks for reading comprehension. But whatever, I’ll answer your bad faith question:

    The racism is ignoring all of the ways in which colonial powers have fucked, refucked, and then triple fucked, the collection of tribal regions known as Afghanistan, which only exists as a nation state because of colonial powers drawing politically convenient lines on maps.

    All while pretending that religion, and not the colonial conflict legacy is the root cause of these problems. Because admitting that colonialism is why we’re here, isn’t a very good narrative for selling the next war.

    So great, now it’s the white Savior’s moral obligation to fix the problems that these brown people created all on their own, and definitely did not happen as a result of over a century of colonial violence , resource exploitation, and constant warfare.

    And not for nothing, but you also clearly don’t have a clue about the crimes against humanity level shit that happened during the occupation.

    So stop and think, why all this coverage now, and not for the last decade of occupation?

    Manufacturing consent for the next foreign war.

  • No, it’s a religious fundamentalist thing and is hardly unique to Iran.

    If anything, the Iranian version is relatively more moderate then their counterparts in places that practice forms of Sunni fundamentalism like Saudi Arabia, or Afghanistan.

    Not trying to pretend the Iranian morality police are good, or reasonable, but relative to those other two examples, they aren’t as bad. Which is saying something, since they are clearly awful in their own right.

    Although to be fair, it might be less philosophical or theological reasoning that account for those differences, and just more the practical reality that Iranian women generally have more rights than those in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.