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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • You’re missing my point. I’m talking about his personal relationship with his religion, not how he might impose it on others, including her. I assume he loves her and if he is serious he ought to be terrified about her salvation. But I don’t think that’s the case. I think he is not serious about his religion nor the other strong stances he appears to take. The issue of the salvation of his wife should be his most serious concern and if he can wave that away it just proves that he doesn’t mean anything he says. My biggest problem with Trump is that is a deeply immoral man without values to guide him. Vance was supposed to shore up the support of the right but he’s just as rudderless.

  • Good point. “Thanks for coming, we’d be happy to serve you, but we do not allow recording video in our store.”

    That said he is pretty awkward ordering the donuts. He asked for whatever makes sense instead of asking for a recommendation.

    My take on JD Vance is that he’s a talented guy who figured out that if he can transform into this right wing guy then he can have a career. Being a conservative catholic is part of that mask. The biggest tell to me is the timing of his conversion and the fact that his wife is Hindu. If he takes his Christianity as seriously as he claims, then his top priority should be to convert his wife, not respect her choice to do her own thing.