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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I’m just quoting Wikipedia. Not sure how that’s making me a lover of far right think tanks. You’re free to edit it and provide sources for it and it’ll be changed if it’s wrong.

    And yes, metrics such as 7/10 people can’t afford food. Not metrics such as “the country with only one political party is more democratic than western countries”.

    Anyway, we’re back to square one. Me quoting sources, you dismissing them and not providing anything in return. Typical. Anyway, nobody’s gonna read this far down anyway, so I’m out. Or storming off, as you like to put it. Mark another victory in your calendar. xD

  • Again, it was terrible quality of life before the liberalization which started 30 years ago, because that’s why it started, and it’s gotten worse, not better since. Stop trying to blame it on the pandemic, it was bad before it as I’ve already said and you’ve ignored.

    As for the other stuff you’ve mentioned: Good for them on the LGBTQ and healthcare stuff, that’s a great thing, however…

    “Human rights in Cuba are under the scrutiny of human rights organizations, which accuse the Cuban government of committing systematic human rights abuses against the Cuban people, including arbitrary imprisonment and unfair trials.International human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have drawn attention to the actions of the human rights movement and designated members of it as prisoners of conscience, such as Óscar Elías Biscet. In addition, the International Committee for Democracy in Cuba led by former statesmen Václav Havel of the Czech Republic, José María Aznar of Spain and Patricio Aylwin of Chile was created to support the Cuban dissident movement.”

    “Press freedom is an ongoing issue in Cuba. The country has ranked low on the Press Freedom Index, a list published by Reporters Without Borders which reflects the degree of freedom that journalists, news organisations, and netizens have in a country. Cuba has been ranked among the index’s “least free” countries for a decade."

    As someone whose family lived under a similar regime I can tell you one thing: quality of life is more than stats. Stats can be good while real quality of life is shit. Which is what appears to be happening there. Which is what usually(probably always?) happens under authoritarian regimes.

  • Ok, I’ll spell it out for you, maybe you’re just that dense. This is a quote from the link, right below the title. The literal subtitle of the article: “seven out of 10 Cubans have stopped eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner due to lack of money or shortages”.

    If that’s not an explanation, then I’m sorry, maybe we have different definitions for the word. So there you go. My definition of poverty in this case is people not having food to eat.

    Again, this was at the top of the article, which you’d have seen if you were interested, which you’re obviously not. As we’ve already established, only pretending to be a “lefty”

  • Nice unbiased source you’ve got there… Care for an alternative version?

    “Shortly after departing Kerem Shalom, initial reports indicate that four community members with experience in previous missions and engagement in community security with Move One came forward in a car and requested to take the place of the leading vehicle, citing concern that the route was unsafe and at risk of being looted,” it said.

    “The four community members were neither vetted nor co-ordinated in advance, and Israeli authorities allege that the lead car was carrying numerous weapons,” it added. “However, the four individuals were not perceived by the convoy as a hostile threat.”

    “The IDF had said on Thursday that a convoy of aid trucks from the American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera) organization entered the southern Rafah area with Israeli coordination. It said that during the drive, it identified a group of gunmen taking over a vehicle at the front of the convoy and beginning to lead it. The IDF described the act as a hijacking attempt.”

    • from your unbiased Times of Israel link.

    I mean… dunno what to believe here… /s

  • The article you linked claims 70% of the reported deaths have been identified. So even if “only” 25k out of 35k people are really dead, that’s still a shit fucking ton of people. How are you arguing about this and not feel the need to take a shower? It’s disgusting.

    "Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 35,160 civilian casualties during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as of July 31, 2024. Of them, 23,640 people were reported to have been injured. "

    That’s a lot fewer dead civilians in a lot more time. I know the situations aren’t the same but it’s still two countries invading another and killing people.

  • nyctre@lemmy.worldtoFacepalm@lemmy.worldMake it stop.
    2 months ago

    Depends how you complain. I meant saying something along the lines of “hey, another 10 people complained about the POS, can we do something about it?”

    If that gets you fired then I’m sorry about the toxic work culture. Over here it’s not like that.

  • nyctre@lemmy.worldtoFacepalm@lemmy.worldMake it stop.
    2 months ago

    I never said I’d yell at the guy or anything. Just point out that it’s not a cool thing to do and to please let the one responsible know about it. I don’t think that’s putting stress on the person, the same way I don’t get stressed when others complain to me about things.

  • nyctre@lemmy.worldtoFacepalm@lemmy.worldMake it stop.
    2 months ago

    Well, I’d argue that if enough people complain to the person and they in turn complain to their boss, something might change.

    That’s how I’ve learned to get my boss to improve stuff around the workplace. Whenever I notice something that can be improved I don’t say “I think we should do x”. I say “clients have been complaining about this, we should do x.” He’s a lot more receptive when I say that.