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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • This premise gets thrown around a lot but I actually disagree. “Every time people turn out” is always also thrown in there like some arbitrary thing–when I think the past several election cycles have shown that when there are younger, more progress candidates who make it past the primaries turnout shoots up. Courting the 3% uninformed flip-floppers by moving right is a losing strategy when you could be motivating your own party to turn out by moving left and driving turnout up. There’s no money in that though, so dumb centrists get wooed

  • It’s more like the 30% who always vote R will vote for whoever, the 30% who always vote D will vote for whoever. Kamala’s task is to get the 1-2% independents who always vote, yes, but also convince as many of the 40% who never bother showing up as possible to actually show up like some have started to in the last elections where reproductive healthcare/etc have been on the line. If she can motivate people for herself and simultaneously underscore that trump is an octogenarian with dreams of fascism and Project 2025 is what he would do, I think we’ll have a landslide. That’s a big if though.

  • Does it really? I’ve seen one single poll, conducted by CNN just after the debate, with 1045 people reached by telephone that showed Harris doing 4% better with a 3.5% margin of error. The more recent polls I’ve seen that lead has disappeared again. If there are other polls, especially polls with better power, that prove your point I’d love to see them. I’m by no means a Biden fan, but I also don’t think Harris has a dependable edge.

  • I don’t know a single person IRL who likes Harris more than Biden, during the 2020 primaries Biden was the milquetoast, too old candidate and Harris was actively hated for her history as a prosecutor. My grandfather is the only person I know who thought Harris was a smart VP choice. Biden at least gets some of the centrists and disaffected Republicans while losing the progressives, as a black woman Harris loses most of those, the progressives don’t like her, my black friends don’t like her because of the aforementioned prosecutor role, I just don’t know who her support base is except for you. Her campaign didn’t even do well enough to make it to the primaries, let alone compete. Bernie or Harris? I can see. Kamala I can’t

  • Because companies mostly don’t want the degree to prove skill sets, which is why they don’t generally ask for transcripts, just that you have a degree in a somewhat related field. The value of a bachelor’s degree to a company is that it proves the applicant is capable of undertaking a ~4 year commitment, achieving a tangible result, and that they pass a threshold competence at navigating beaurocracies and interacting with other humans. The specific skills/experience the company wants are much better assessed using prior experience, interviews, assessments, etc.

  • Not to beat a dead horse but do you know how we get/got novel variation in crops before targeted DNA technology? It mostly wasn’t wild germpasm unless you happen to work with a crop with large amounts of historically documented pools, e.g. corn and wheat. No, most historical breeding programs use mutagens, either chemical or sometimes radioactive, to cause novel variation, grow the seed, see what looks interesting and not too weird, and cross it back into your gene pool. GMOs are significantly less mad science-y than what they replace.