♡ im minnie ♡
she/her - 21

my scripts

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I love this answer!! and hey, I recognize you too :D. I am glad you like my profile style

    Hard agree – though it wears on me at times when I’m unable to get some engagement going after keeping at it for so long. I’ve changed my mindset about it a little while ago, so it’s not too bad.

    Yea, I got burnt out a few months ago and dipped for this exact reason. I was making scripts, styles, mags, and posting content several times a day every day trying to build kbin and encourage engagement, and on that front, it pretty much never got better. I would be and still am lucky to get a handful of upvotes. It feels a bit lonely, I do wish more lurkers would consider joining the convo. There’s lots of talk about things being stale and dead, not many active niche communities, but 98% of people aren’t contributing. It’s okay to not be a content creator, but a single comment a week is better than no comments ever. I might be a taaaad salty, because of how much effort I put in, and that the lack of interactions and engagement is pretty much the ONLY thing keeping kbin from reaching it’s full potential.

    Speaking of microblogging, I still don’t know what those are somehow lol. are they like mastodon tweets or toots or whatever? 😭

  • its been 3 months since you left this reply, and im nearly done with my first sem in computer networking tech! im in college because of your replies, how crazy is that? anyway, i have a lot of career related questions, i’m feeling both doubt and excitement and worry and everything you can imagine about continuing on with this program. your replies were so impactful for me that i am back here 3 months later rereading them to get a better sense of direction.

    feel free to say no this of course if uninterested, but would you be willing to chat on discord? you’re very insightful and intelligent and i could use some of that from someone who knows what theyre talking about lol

  • any place that won’t hire you for being a WOC is a place that you wouldn’t want to work for anyway

    very true, guess im just worried about simply not getting hired at most places i apply to, but ill cross that bridge when i get to it

    look into the book “learn powershell in a month of lunches”

    thanks for the rec! currently looking into this and eager to learn :D

    find excuses to shoehorn it into stuff you’re doing at home

    this is me while learning javascript. any time any little thing inconveniences me, i make a script for it and solve the issue. it’s sooo fun.

    Imposter syndrome is just something you get used to after a while.

    understood, i think nearly everyone has this. fact of life.

    another question if you don’t mind, is an associates applied science degree going to work fine for me to find jobs? im worried it’s not enough, and in 2 years i will wish i had gone for a 4 year, idk. maybe this is too broad a question but throwing it out there anyway. im attaching my program for an idea of the things i’d be learning, if it is relevant or helpful to know

  • i wanted to do CS too, but the program didn’t interest me at all, i just like coding, the course was all theory and physics, plus yea the fucking math lol. i am enrolling in school Monday in a Computer Networking Tech program, hopefully to get an Associate of Applied Science degree in 2 years, then go into IT right after. i have dabbled in powershell a teeeennny tiny bit, like 10 lines of script max lol, it seems fun! your reply has inspired me to really start learning Powershell. its in the CNT program as well, so i will be extra prepared.

    anything else i should know? i am kinda worried about 1. being a woman (a WOC at that) and not getting hired due to that and 2. being too dumb/feeling like an imposter. do you think being a woman in IT will affect my chances of getting hired and rising the ranks?