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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • It does?

    Pixel Camera (previously known as Google Camera) can take full advantage of the available cameras and image processing hardware as it can on the stock OS and does not require GSF or sandboxed Google Play on GrapheneOS. Direct TPU and GXP access by Google apps including Pixel Camera is controlled by a toggle added by GrapheneOS and doesn’t provide them with any additional access to data. The toggle exists for attack surface reduction. Every app can use the TPU and GXP via standard APIs including the Android Neural Networks API and Camera2 API regardless.

    TPUs and GXP are what enable apps to do on device ais with whatever model they choose to bring.

  • I am going to ignore the weird race stuff. I don’t agree with it but don’t want to spend the energy.

    I will speak about this:

    I just suppose that the risk of alienating men and them getting more violent may outweigh the immediate benefit of increased plane safety, eventually turning against women themselves. But to prove or disprove that point, I’d love to see more numbers

    This again dehumanizes women and removes agency.

    You are saying that women are the tools that are used to prevent male violence. By treating women as a means to reduce violence without considering the women themselves as people you are dehumanizing and removing agency.

    Women are people just as men are people. Women are not the tools to reduce male violence.

    You also say giving women the choice to sit with women is radical. Women having the chose to protect themselves is not radical. It is a basis for a moral society.

    You shouldn’t need studies to prove how effective or not using women as tools to reduce male violence is.

    Women are not tools.

  • If you actually read the article it seems pretty factual. It lists Bush’s claims and then has a response. Seems to merit the rating.

    The reporting of the Bush administration’s position and the response seems fair.

    STATUS: Since 1998, the Iraqi government has barred U.N. weapons inspectors from examining sites where some suspect that nuclear, chemical or biological weapons are made and stored. The United Nations has said it will lift sanctions against the Middle Eastern country -- in place since Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the ensuing Gulf War in 1991 -- only if inspectors can verify that Iraq has dismantled all its weapons of mass destruction. In an editorial this month in a state-run newspaper, Iraq again denied it has or is developing such weapons.
    RESPONSE TO BUSH'S SPEECH: "This statement of President Bush is stupid and a statement that does not befit the leader of the biggest state in the world," Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said Wednesday.

  • Wrong again.

    I’m not an American.

    This being said I did live there for many years and saw the harm caused by Republicans first hand.

    Secondly yah. Russia and America waging aggressive wars is a major problem. Both need to stop. America was wrong in invading Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Russia is wrong for invading Ukraine, Georgia, and Chechnya. Imperialism is bad.

    But most importantly in the context of you here, you need to brush up leftist intersectional theory. You can’t avoid checking your privilege by trying to say someone else is (wrongly) an American.