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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • A vote for no one is claiming they’re the same.

    Not really. It implies that neither are good enough, not that they are the same.

    If your freedom is something you don’t care about

    Is it freedom when I have to vote at the threat of Hitler 2.0 every year? Am I not allowed to pull politicians back to my positions when they get too far out of whack? Why are you blaming your fellow Americans classmen for not electing your candidate, instead of asking your candidate to be more electable? Nevermind you; how about the candidate themselves, scolding people for not electing them?

    How do you know the entire democratic platform isn’t just empty platitudes? Roe V Wade/ Dobbs happened on Democrats’ watch. In fact, everything the supreme court is doing is happening on Biden’s watch, as he didn’t do much more than float adding justices to make it less partisan. Everything with the economy, food prices, housing, healthcare, and the gaslighting instead of action on those fronts, is on their watch. They’ve completely given up on opposing the anti-immigration narratives coming from the right…

    We’re tired of democrats running on being controlled opposition to the republicans. They need to do more than just imply or let us assume they’re going to do things because it opposes what the other guy is doing. They need to reach deep and find some policy positions of their own and earn votes because they’re actually popular. Not because they’re not the other guy.

    I’d like to vote for Kamala in November but I also think it’s important to hold out until I personally find her platform compelling on its own merits, not on any pressure campaign or the implied lack of anyone else’s. Change and progress don’t happen by being passive and letting people shout you down.

    It’s irrational for anyone to vote for a guy who hates you.

    Oh yeah? What if the other guy is worse!?

    Imagine, for a moment, that there is no democratic party. Trump is the furthest left you can go, the closest you can get to progress, and the other guy is promising to take you backwards. This is not bizarro world, Trump will take you backwards too, and will still tell the world that anyone to the left of him is a radical, including you. Just not as bad as the other guy.

    Just humor me. You’d be irrational not to vote for Trump, no? Even though he hates you? Even to make him squirm a little bit and win some concessions?

    You’d vote for the other guy, just because he’s not Trump? Cause that guy hates you too, probably worse. Not vote? Well obviously that’s a vote for the other guy. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. I just vote for the people that do.

  • I totally agree with you about right wing hypocrisy and bigotry, I just don’t think this will serve as a good example of it. Being transphobic wouldn’t preclude him, or anyone that could be swayed to vote for him, from thinking that gender bending (mocking trans people) comedy is funny… not all performances are endorsements. Things like minstrel shows and blackface were also considered funny at a point in time and it’s not because anyone involved thought blacks were people or deserving of equal rights.