Insert Joker meme here
Insert Joker meme here
HTS fought against Al-Qaeda while he was already leading HTS. He vowed to protect all minorities. He did what Western countries could not do. Give him a fking break. We’ll see how they negociate power in the next days.
Mailserver works well but spam is a nightmare with mails, and I still don’t know if it figured it out properly.
That’s religious people for ya. I know how it seems like a good foundation for morale and philosophy to believers, but really there’s a point where you need to stop believing in Santa Claus and build morale on your own.
It might help you realize how many “sins” are meant to control you and how many other accepted or ignored toxic traits should be condemned.
Just let me work remote, thanks.
Thanks I feel so relieved. Brb gonna destroy this insignificant civilization
The Xerxes Incident
Someone wanted to start World War One
I knew it, this article was meant to quote Marvel at one point.
Value falling as fast as global warming rises