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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • “People” are not the problem. That’s Malthusian garbage. Capitalism is the problem.

    Human beings use complex language and are capable of learning and developing culture.

    Capitalism is a system that teaches and enforces greed, competition and exploitation. Capitalism is a system that demands infinite growth for the sake of growth. It’s nonsensical, and obvious that such a system leads to over-exploitation and collapse. We are currently the way we are because we’ve been forced to under this system.

    We are capable of change, and learning to build communities and societies based on mutual aid, cooperation, and living in harmony with the world we live in.

    If we start to build such communities we will learn to cooperate just as the capitalist system has taught us to be greedy and exploit each other for fear of ending up without the means to house and feed ourselves.

    Why wouldn’t communism lead to cancer like growth? Because the objective isn’t endless expansion to make some imaginary line go up and hand over all the wealth to a small number of people. It’s to manage our world based on good science and achieving objectives that lead to a sustainable world in which all people’s basic needs are met.

    There are countless ways of building communism, and all of them require constant work. And yes it’s true that if implemented in an authoritarian manner it would lead to a bad outcome (still not as bad as our certain extinction under any capitalist system). Anarchism (and there are many schools of thought within anarchism) gives us many tools to build communism in a libertarian manner where we keep each other in check, ensuring that no one person gains power over others.

    Look at Rojava, revolutionary Catalonia, the Ukrainian Free Territory, the Shinmin Autonomous Region. These societies can work, expanded, and built upon if given half a chance.

  • I wonder if this is being released now to distract from thoughts of any Israeli involvement in 9/11 such as the ‘dancing Israelis’

    Hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I don’t think it would surprise many at this point if Israel did orchestrate the whole thing. Israel really had the most to benefit from 9/11.

    “during the incident” —referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”

    That’s quite chilling.

  • “The enemy is both weak (children without the same mental capacity as a cop) and strong (professional agitators with a mastermind behind everything.)”

    Cops literally can’t imagine human beings organising organically as part of a community to achieve a common goal. There needs to be a hierarchy, someone “behind it”, or a “mastermind”. It couldn’t possibly be that these are just humans doing their best to try to stop a genocide by the machines of capitalism, colonialism, and the state.

    “Look they got water! Definitely a mastermind here!”