• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • We got even plus sized manikins in stores, wow.

    you do know that’s because plus-sized clothing exists too, right? Do you expect stores to just not display their clothes simpy because they’re for fat people, or…?

    But I dare you to name a single character from a show or movie that is skinny (not jacked skinny, but skinny skinny) that isn’t a crackhead junkie, some psycho or a basement dweller with his eyes glued to a screen?

    Victor, from Arcane; Ben Wyatt, from Parks and Recreation; Gareth Keenan, from The Office (UK); Ken Cosgrove from Mad Men. I’m sure there are many more, but that’s just who I could think of off the top of my head.

    I absolutely agree that there should be better representation of men’s (and women’s, imo) body types, including skinny men. But you’re really overestimating the quantity and quality of decent representation of fat women in roles that don’t rely on steroetypes. By that, I mean: isn’t unhinged/shrill/creepy/portrayed as gross or undesirable because she’s fat (and sometimes old)/there solely and shallowly as “the funny fat woman”. The majority of roles played by women, especially prominent ones, are still played by thin women.

    Fat female characters are relatable and important to have because—whether you like it or not—fat women exist in real life. One simply existing in media does not inherently come with a statement condoning any particular lifestyle as you seem to be implying.

    I know one, DJ Qualms, who’s arguably most famous role is a disabled person. Great.

    …and? That’s a bad thing to you?

  • it feels like colleagues talk bad about me.

    What makes you say that? It’s pretty likely that’s just your anxiety talking.

    I’m not exactly the most social—or even socially competent—person, but I know friends are important to have, especially if you don’t have family you can lean on. Friends can balance you out and provide alternate perspectives when you need them, and we all need them sometimes.

    Also, I’m pretty sure having (good) friends is beneficial for your mental health. Having no friends can be detrimental to it.

    Regardless of what you decide, I suggest putting yourself out there. Start slowly, and ask people about themselves. It can very difficult and stressful at first, but it does get easier over time.

    It might be a good idea to make a pros/cons list for staying/getting a job; I’m sure there are other important factors to consider aside from the social climate.

  • Thank you! I appreciate it. I don’t really have particularly severe chronic pain, but my SO does, so I’m familiar with how hard it can be to get serious pain relief and how horribly frustrating that can be.

    imo, it’s cruel whether the pain is chronic or acute. I guess I get why they’re so stingy, but there needs to be a lot more grace for pain patients. It’s not just about pain, but mental health, too. :/

    I was definitely a little surprised and annoyed about it. Clearly there’s no questioning the fact that I’ll be in significant pain for (at minimum) a month, so why are you giving me only 6 days’ worth? Are decent scripts reserved for only the people who are literally on their death bed???

  • The fact that I had several points (in a single comment, mind you) does not mean that they keep changing. I suggest you revisit what moving goalposts actually means.

    It’s been my experience that it takes less time and money to make a healthy meal at home. I don’t know why that’s a problem to you.

    That’s been my experience, too. Like I’ve already said, I frequently cook cheap, healthy meals at home. I rarely eat fast food.

    But my original points aren’t centered around my—or your—personal experience; we’re not the only two people who exist. Everyone has varying degrees of resources and ability.

  • Thanks for asking! Right now I’m still just waiting around; I need surgery because of the nature of the break and its interference with my rotator cuff, but I need an MRI/follow-up before it can be scheduled. So it won’t be until at least the 23rd.

    I had some deep-tissue bruises that hurt even more than my shoulder for a while, which made it hard to walk, but they finally mostly healed.

    My shoulder isn’t too bad if I don’t move it, but it actually hurts a lot more than usual this morning. The doctor only gave me a few of the weakest non-OTC painkillers you can get, so I’ve had to ration them for when the pain is at its worst. So I’m relying on acetaminophen and ibuprofen, which doesn’t really cut it tbh.

  • It takes much more effort to make a healthy well-rounded meal than just scrambling up “a few eggs”. I’m happy you have enough time, energy, and physical ability to spend an hour making dinner, but a lot of people don’t.

    Some have multiple jobs, kids, disabilities, ect. Others live in food deserts where it’s impossible—or at least very difficult—to find cheap, healthy food. Not to mention the people who were never taught how to cook, and would have to spend even more time, energy, (and very possibly wasted food) on learning how.

    This is coming from someone who can and does cook cheap, healthy meals all of the time.