• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Windows 10 LTSC FTW!!! I just installed it and wow is it snappier and devoid of nearly all of those annoyances. I have no idea if productivity apps are affected by its stripped down nature but for Steam gaming it’s perfect. I get less lag spikes on steamVR.

    I haven’t trusted Windows in years. This is just for gaming. I have a physically separate hot swappable Optane SSDs for Linux and Windows Gaming.

    For those who will winge at me for not just switching to Linux. During this process I gave a concerted effort to give Linux a go and chose Manjaro KDE to try for steamVR gaming. It sucked. Once I had worked out that it was a permissions issue (It’s always a fucking permissions issue under Linux) and just ran it under the root account, there was extremely high latency for the VR compositor to HMD display. Completely unusable as it made me sick and that’s usually very hard. I tried X11 and Wayland. Direct and Non Direct output modes. No success.

  • I suppose I hadn’t considered nor know much about slideloaded solutions as my previous phone was an iPhone 5c. It was a handmedown from my parents.

    I don’t really like the lack of hardware support on the Android side (parts availability). Not exactly like it’s much better on the iPhone side either. So I went with the PinePhone. Linux on there is very barebones but at least the parts are available. If I am going to use my phone in a barebones manner then why buy in to an expensive fixed life device?

    Not exactly a knowledgeable user. Just another user frustrated by the subscription/throwaway economy. I realize this wasn’t really a relevant answer to your question but more how I adapted to the worthless app store.

    BTW, one of the few apps I did purchase was 1Password. $60 for the Mac app and $40 for the iOS app. So $100 all in all. Those ass hats switched to subscription only the very next version citing we need funds to further develop the security. That plus a couple other examples is why I gave up on paid proprietary software on both devices. I’m full force trying to find FOSS solutions instead. Not that many exist for mobile or even desktop as you have also discovered.

  • All the AI race has done is surface the long standing issue of how broken copyright is for the online internet era. Artists should be compensated but trying to do that using the traditional model which was originally designed with physical, non infinitely copyable goods in mind is just asinine.

    One such model could be to make the copyright owner automatically assigned by first upload on any platform that supports the API. An API provided and enforced by the US copyright office. A percentage of the end use case can be paid back as royalties. I haven’t really thought out this model much further than this.

    Machine learning is here to say and is a useful tool that can be used for good and evil things alike.

  • Yes I am aware of that solution. I should have clarified the goal of the exercise. I’m trying to work out if I can make an easily interoperable system where a singlemode fiber wall jack fed from a 40G switch can act as a both a 10G or 40G port as needed depending on what ethernet card the client is using. I am using singlemode as I want to avoid using MTP multimode cable seeing how much more expensive it is than simple lc-lc singlemode.

  • It’s amazing how far things have deteriorated in the USA. To the point that someone thought that this travel advisory needed to be made.

    Why is the deep south of the USA trying pull a Russia and go deeper? As in how Russia want’s the good ol’e days of the Soviet Union back.

    I still can’t believe that Abortion rights were and are still revoked. Christ this is 1960’s shit. Was all the work of the free love hippie protests for nothing?