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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

    • She definitely needled him. I knew when she talked about all of the inane nonsense he talks about at his rallies and how he exhausts his own supporters so much they leave early during his 90 minute long ramblings that that would piss him off to no end, and sure enough all he could do after that was brag about his rallies and claim no one goes to her rallies. That being said, why in God’s name did ABC let him get the last word on. Every. Single. Talking point? No matter who was talking first, no matter the subject, no matter how off course he was taking the topic, he’d start whining after she finished talking and they’d turn his mic back on and give him more time. If I’m not mistaken they gave him an extra rebuttal one time then tried to restrict Kamala from responding back until she insisted so much that they relented and then they STILL gave Trump another minute to give the last word again! What the hell was that? Tell the fat orange fuck “no”, follow the rules and move on! If he wants to whine about her words, he can eat up time from the next question doing that. Don’t give him more of platform to spout lies unchallenged. He has plenty of that already.

  • JD Vance’s campaign said he “doesn’t believe in guilt-by-association cancel culture”

    It’s not like they are just guys who happen to know each other like they are in the same bowling league. And it is not like he invited the guy on to talk about the weather and then he went off on a whole Nazi tangent of his own accord. Tucker knew who he was, liked the things he says, and invited him on his show to specifically spread his words to his audiences. He intentionally platformed a Nazi. That is not “guilt-by-association”. That is guilt-by-your-own-actions. Also known as guilt, and full on Nazi shit.

  • Because apparently half of the active voters in this country are either greedy corporate cunts, wealthy sociopaths, MAGA morons, authoritarian Christian ideologue crazies, psuedo-intellectual “centrists”/independents that somehow conflate basic human respect for minorities and outright fascism as “both sides are the same”, or some combination thereof. Those type of people are the type that think the ends always justify the means and that the ends they want is a US that looks like a cross between A Handmaid’s Tale, Atlas Shrugged, and modern day Russia. It is one of the most disheartening realizations of my adult life to learn that so many of my fellow Americans are fucking vile people.

    Do keep in mind, that roughly half of voters is not the same as roughly half of Americans. The highest turnout of voting eligible people in the last century was only 66.6% in 2020. Basically every Trump nut votes. It is there entire reason for being these days, to support and vote for Trump. And in 2020, Trump only got 46.9% of the popular vote, i.e. only 33.03% of the US voting eligible actually cast a vote for Trump. The rest of us are either actively trying to stop Trump or are at least not actively supporting him. The absolute BEST thing we can do as a country is to bump those numbers up. There is no excuse for 1 in 3 people to not vote, leaving another 1 in 3 people to have disproportionate power over everyone else’s lives. Complacency and apathy or counting on enough others to do their civic duty so you don’t have to is how Trump wins again. Vote and make every single person you know go vote too. Tell them to register. Tell them to vote early if that is more convenient for them. Whatever. Just go vote.

    Update: The second best thing you can do is vote for state and federal epresentatives and leaders that will advocate for election reforms like joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) and/or abolishing the electoral college, fighting Gerrymandering, establishing new, more fair and representative voting systems (Ranked Choice, Approval, Proportional, etc.), term limits, etc. The goal is for representative government is to actually represent the popular will of their voters. It absolutely does NOT do that right now. That should be our first and greatest goal for our government.

  • ”… bypass the usual bureaucratic nonsense"

    Immigration laws? Quotas? Checking that they’re not importing the “criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers and people from insane asylum from those shithole countries”?

    “like language tests”

    “Speak 'Merican!” “Why should I press 1 for English!?”

    “or history exams,”

    “They come over here and don’t even integrate to our culture, our laws and our history. They want to bring their own culture here and replace us”

    I know it never stops, but even still this level of hypocritical entitlement still amazes me. Either way, can’t wait for these Leopard Ate My Face posts.