*NIX enthusiast, Metal Head, MUDder, ex-WoW head, and Anon radio fan.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • In addition to many of the fine points made in other comments I think it’s silly to overlook the power of celebrity worship and weird-ass parasocial relationships with famous people.

    There exists a large number of people who aren’t really interested in discussing <topic_x>, they just want to know what <favourite celebrity whos life I have deluded myself into thinking is attainable by me> thinks about the topic so that they can regurgitate it and feel like they’re “the same”.

    I’m sure if Chappell Roan or whatever “the kids” think is cool these days had jumped to Mastodon we’d be seeing something very different. TBH I’m mildly surprised that we didn’t see more record labels standing up instances. It’s always boggled me that people have just trusted the service desperately trying to be known as “X” as an authority on identity.

  • I also have a small domain that is relatively low traffic. A lot of the “all in one” software on the list you linked looks pretty cool, I can’t deny.

    What I found is that I make very few changes. I used to add mailbox aliases fairly often, but the fact is there are only two users and enabling the “+” syntax in addresses put a stop to me needing to make new aliases when I wanted a new address.

    I just don’t feel like I need a management interface. Because of this I’ve just sort of frankensteined my own setup together and I love it. It operates how I expect it to, and enforces the standards I care about to the extent that I desire (e.g. which SPF result codes am I ok accepting?).

    • Postfix as SMTP/Submission server. I chose to go w/PAM based for outbound SMTP auth.
    • Courier for IMAPS
    • Dovecot for LDA (sieve is delightful)
    • Snappymail for webmail (served by apache httpd)

  • Bouncing around between two for the most part.

    I’m mostly playing Guild Wars 2, enjoying saving the world from demonic invasion in what has so far been a pretty great expansion IMO and I am a bit of a hoor for some of the new cosmetics.

    When I need a break from the rough grind, I jump into a super duper rough grind by firing up ol Leaf Blower Revolution. Idle game my ass, I’m clicking more than 5 cookie clicker players combined! There are still leaves everywhere!

  • you can set the “FROM” address to literally anything.

    Hey all, “that guy” chiming in.

    You can set the “FROM” address to any string that meets the specifications of the “Address Specification” section of the relevant RFCs (5322 and 6854, maybe others). Which is SUPER FAR from “literally anything”.

    I know this seems like some neck-beard bullshit, but we’re here answering the question for someone who clearly has little understanding of email internals. Hyperbole is bad in this context IMO.

  • Right now I’m waiting on the new PoE league as well as the GW2 expansion. For now it’s either a MUD, The first Skyrim save I’ve kept long enough to complete the main quest, or Yakuza: Like a dragon.

    It really just depends on mood and if anyone else is active on the MUD.

    I’m glad to have finally found a Skyrim build I enjoy. I’ve always appreciated the game but never managed to stick with it. This Illusion/Thief/Assassin combo is a great time. Calm + backstab for life.

    Yakuza is a delight. It’s a lot like FfXIV in that it’s a pretty fun movie that is sometimes interrupted by RPG game play elements. Loving the humor.

  • My take on this issue is that this sounds like a Musicbee promotion :p

    How can a player that allows you to almost completely design your own UI be “clunky and clumsy”? foobar2000 can be anything from an unscrollable auto-generated playlist of “odd numbered tracks in the deathmetal genre” showing only “stop” and “play” buttons, to a dynamic / responsive UI that auto-scrolls song lyrics in time with the song that’s playing.

    If you don’t like it, you don’t like it and that’s fine. Reading “clumsy” and “clunky” used to describe foobar2000 make me wonder what your approach to evaluating music players even is though.

    Take this as a suggestion to give foobar2000 a little more time/effort. If you just aren’t into that though, I’d say Clementine is pretty solid.

    If you add an edit to your post listing out your requirements, dealbreakers, and maybe giving a little detail on what you didn’t like about the players you listed, you’ll probably get responses that are more helpful :D

  • I am far too casual to care to keep a running list of issues and their status. What I can say is:

    • The population has stabilized in what I consider a good place
    • I haven’t had a crash in a couple of months
    • Performance is fine even on high settings
    • They’ve changed up how the shops and crafting are organized and it makes way more sense than it initially did
    • Crafting feels way more useful and accessible than it initially did