• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I applaud your frustration at our voting system because I share that frustration, but the whole crux of it is that it results in a two party system. Your green party vote, in the grand scheme of things (at least in terms of making an actual difference), is a wasted one.

    I honestly don’t know how we will ever make this change. It’s going to require people like Joe Biden that are willing to give up tremendous power in order to make a change for the better.

    Politicians in general aren’t really good at letting go of power. One of our dominant parties especially will never allow this to happen - they cannot even accept the outcome of a fair-ish election (even though they were assisted by their gerrymandering and voter suppression and voter roll purging). It won’t be until the US has a very progressive phase that we have a chance of making this change.

    Until we can make meaningful changes to enable us to make a change to our voting system, any vote for someone not in one of those two parties will be seen as an attempt to dilute the vote, and will also realistically have people be very suspicious towards you. This is especially the case if one were to post continually to this community and keep pushing the idea.

    To recap - fundamental, core changes need to happen first before we have a remote chance of being able to make a difference outside of the two dominant parties. You should, however, vote for who you want, that’s your right!