I mean… different strokes for different folks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
I mean… different strokes for different folks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Egg whites.
Yorkshire Gold, two sugars, splash of evaporated milk.
This is amazing - so imaginative and creative!
Bowie’s face says can you believe this fucking shit
Like he’s super impressed with himself
Good point, I didn’t catch that
Shiloh all the way.
No, of course it’s not healthy. I’m just saying it’s not violent.
In a marriage/committed partnership, I think most people would consider a fight to be an argument with raised voices and some ill feeling. I really don’t think most people consider shouting to be violent. Upsetting, maybe, but violent?
My husband says pobcorn just to fuck with me, I hate it so bad but I can’t help laughing
Yup! Every time I see a post deriding NJ, I feel the need to post a love letter to NJ as a rebuttal haha
Casino & boardwalk are easy to do together. Those are both on the shoreline. There are loads of wineries so depending on what you felt like doing, it would be easy to squeeze that in too. The nice thing about New Jersey is that it isn’t huge, so if you’re up for a bit of driving you can see a lot.
Ahh I’d had something about Princeton but I must’ve lost it in editing! Yeah Princeton is beautiful :)
Yes, quite a lot actually!
I know this is hard to believe for people who only hear stereotypes about our state, but New Jersey has a lot of natural beauty. Northwest NJ and the Delaware Water Gap area have a lot of beautiful forested areas, and the Delaware River is so crisp and clear up there. Great for kayaking and tubing! All along the Delaware in Central NJ there are cute river towns like Frenchtown, Stockton, Lambertville, and Washington’s Crossing. These are really cute little downtowns with bars & restaurants, shops, and live entertainment. Plus with Lambertville there’s New Hope right across the bridge. We have farmstands with fresh Jersey corn, tomatoes, and peaches all over the place (remember, we’re the Garden State!), plus loads of local wineries. The Pine Barrens are beautiful for hiking and biking. Then we’ve got the shore. I will grant that NJ beaches don’t hold a candle to some other places further south along the eastern seaboard (though I will say that the beaches with tags are a pretty good experience), but you don’t really go down the shore just for the beaches. You go for the boardwalks, plus the casinos in Atlantic City. We also have Great Adventure, which I think every Jersey kid grows up going to.
And we have pork roll, the best breakfast meat ever.
So yeah, come check us out. You might be surprised!
Dude you’re 20 and married‽ Why didn’t you lead with that??
Nice balanced answer. Also curious, what’s your opinion on tan suits?
Mustard on a burger. Acceptable?
Once in a great while, I have a brain fart and tell the restaurant host “two for non”.
Nobody’s going to want to be around you if you’re volatile and hurtful. And “I can’t help it” is a thin excuse. These are things you absolutely could control, you just have to try.
You sound young. Get control of yourself and develop some empathy. And while you’re at it, do something about your internalized misogyny. These two passages ought to create some cognitive dissonance for you: