A lil cute poyo poyo, who has an interest in FOSS Software and Privacy.


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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • It honestly scares me how Thailand is slowly becoming an authoritarian government over the years and as some one who has relatives over there, and knowing how much they hate the current king, since he’s hardly in the country cuz he’s too busy paying thousands in five star hotels to have endless orgies with his many gfs to even give a fuck about the consequences and how shit life is there atm (unless your white)

    It’s honestly just upsetting, esp as freedom of speech has been so severely restricted with the changes the previous gov (military junta) has made over the years, and killing opponents of the king/government. Just absolutely scary tbh.

  • Just like boycotts, you need to have many many people joining and supporting the cause to actually make an impact within the world and the community, otherwise it’s not very impactful and govs could easily do any to prevent it from happening aka silencing ppl.

    Though that saying, ppl shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for not doing so, if certain circumstances prevent them to do so eg disability, addiction, lack of options etc etc cuz unfortunately in the world we live in today, capitalism plays a huge part in our society today, therefore there’s is no “truly” ethical consumption in the world we are in today.

  • So you’re defending a country, that’s been committing a genocide on innocent Palestinians civilians for generations?

    Yeah I can’t really sympathise with you on that sorry.

    Supporting human rights ≠ antisemitism

    I understand your frustration with not being to freely express your thoughts and how hostile ppl can be about the situation but unfortunately that’s just life on the internet sadly.

    You should really educate on yourself on the whole situation cuz in actual reality, there is no good guys (cuz we can all agree that Hamas are not good ppl either and they do not represent the Palestinians people so don’t blame for them for something Hamas did) in this situation and the ppl that are affected the most are the Palestinians and the Israelis, since at the moment I’m writing this, more families and children are dying by the second and since Israel is a very nationalistic society, a lot of the citizens are sadly brainwashed into thinking the Palestinians are “second class citizens” which completely shows how much influence Israel as a country and politically, it has an influence on ppl internationally and nationally too.

    Please actually educate yourself about the whole situation before making posts like this cuz it makes ppl who actually care about this to look like we’re antisemitic when that’s far from the case and it frustrates me when ppl just assume that cuz it literally doesn’t help anyone that is actually trying to help spread awareness about this and this causes further division within ppl, which is not what we need when fighting for human rights as this prevents political progress, which is the last thing Palestinians need.

  • So sad how they almost put an end to this bloodbath back in the 90s but nationalism and propaganda had to ruin it all and now it’s even worse than it ever was before (not that before was any better)

    It’s so horrific when ppl are demanding a ceasefire cuz this monstrosity, yet the UN and our govs couldn’t really care less cuz it’s not a first world country, being allies with Israel and capitalism as a whole. Makes a lot of ppl feel so powerless over this esp when countries like Ukraine are going through similar yet, are not willing to support the Palestinians over their struggles.

    Just an awful and tragic situation tbh.