• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2024


  • Acids don’t work as well on the substances that contribute to typical household drain clogs compared to bases, which is what Drano is.

    When it enters your drain pipes, the sodium hydroxide reacts with fatty acids and proteins from your typical clogging culprits like oils, grease, soap scum, hair, and food particles.

    This reaction generates heat, breaks large molecules into smaller ones, and liquefies solid gunk. The extremely high pH enables the sodium hydroxide to saponify fatsand dissolve organic matterthrough chemical decomposition.

    Acids simply wouldn‘t have the same cleansing effects on drain clogs. Grease and oils are composed of tough-to-break-down fatty acid chains that resist acidic breakdown.

    Quoted from here.

  • AdGuard DNS is free and super simple to setup, no app required. It’s my favorite no-fuss solution I found when I switched from Android a few years ago.


    Go to that link, scroll down to method 2, and download an iOS profile. You’ll need to be using Safari for the download to work properly.

    You get more customization and features through AdGuard’s app but then you have to pay a subscription for DNS blocking features. While it’s super cheap, I’ve personally been perfectly satisfied with this free solution. It blocks ads system-wide, not just in the browser. For example, in my shopping list app there’s usually a banner ad but it doesn’t load with the adguard DNS enabled. I’m 99% sure it won’t block ads in YouTube though (I sub to premium so I’ve never tried it.)

    Next DNS is also free and appears to be the same thing but their website lets you fine-tune your profile, similar to using paid AdGuard. Might be worth looking into that, especially because it appears you can integrate AdGuard’s block list.