AdNauseum. Built on uBlock Origin.
Block all the ads so you never seem them, but click them all so the advertisor pays.
Barrhaven denizen
AdNauseum. Built on uBlock Origin.
Block all the ads so you never seem them, but click them all so the advertisor pays.
from every possible thing that can happen to you while smoking…
cancer while smoking COVID while smoking caught in fascist riots while smoking hit by bus while smoking bear attack while smoking container dropped from a plane while smoking etc
Smoking puts you out in the world which increases a lot of risks you wouldn’t otherwise have.
Mitch has done more to ensure those mistakes are repeated than almost anyone else. Does he have no memory of his actions over the past 20 years?
and Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, almost all of central & South America.
why do Republicans care, since the US and Israel don’t recognize the court’s jurisdiction anyway?
I think both would likely be found guilty by any reasonable court. I don’t think Gaza has one, but I think Netanyahu’s legal troubles are going to get a lot worse in Israeli courts.
guy has been up there quite a while, nobody wants to land with a big bag of turds rattling around
never put salt in your eyes
part of the idea is that clicking every ad presented destroys the ad system’s ability to do meaningful targetting. I’m happy about that. Without the data collection and analysis performed by Google, Amazon, and Meta, advertising through them is less attractive to advertisors.
Most of the advertisors are lying garbage too. I have no sympathy for them.