• 142 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Three-way race has been called out for past couple of weeks by independent voices on YT.

    In a warning sign for Democrats, Kennedy was the leading choice for young voters, aged 18-34, in the poll’s surveyed population — 38 percent of whom chose the environmental lawyer. From the same age group, 32 percent picked Biden and 27 percent went for Trump.

    People on the left stopped supporting RFK Jr. when it came to the Palestine, but he does take people from Trump/Biden.

    One year out so lots of things can change.

  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmus.orgtoYou Should Know@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Reminds me of tribalism talks.

    • Tribal Thinking

      • https://conversational-leadership.net/tribal-thinking/
      • The meaning of the word tribe
      • Sticking to tribal beliefs
      • Politically motivated reasoning
      • 1, Skincare experiment
        1. Gun-control Experiment
      • A big surprise
      • Bottom line
        • “This experiment demonstrates that our political pre-dispositions can strongly influence our numerical reasoning regardless of our political persuasion.”

    • Are Smart People Ruining Democracy? | Dan Kahan | TEDxVienna [13:05 | Dec 10, 2018 | TEDx Talks]

    • Tribalism: How to Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem

      • Whether it’s race, religion, or politics, tribalism threatens all we hold dear. [July 31, 2022| John G. Cottone Ph.D. The Cube]

        • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-cube/202207/tribalism-how-be-part-the-solution-not-the-problem
        • To keep our tribalist impulses in check, I believe we must regularly ask ourselves difficult questions:

          • Do I know how to recognize the propaganda of my own tribe, and resist it when I see it?

          • Do I recognize that every event can be viewed from multiple perspectives and that my tribe’s perspective is just one of many?

          • Do I pursue multiple perspectives on important issues with intellectual honesty — or do I only solicit my own tribe’s political perspective?

          • Do I call out members of my own tribe for bad behavior as often as I call out members of rival tribes — or do I rationalize and ignore their transgressions?

          • Do I have compassion for everyone on the road of truth, even those who are walking today where I walked yesterday?