• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Oh, I wouldn’t ever suggest that the method does everything its author says it does - the claims of helping in cancer cases and such are wee bit too “optimistic”.

    But the question was concerning the possibility to build up cold immunity. And the answer is “yes”. The method I mentioned absolutely will build up cold’s immunity (or resistance, or tolerance if language purism is a factor) in everyone who will attempt it.

    There’s no magic hocus-pocus in it. It’s very simple concept used in many “methods” - Buteyko comes to mind, so does Russian Siberia.

  • Can you give me an example?

    Of course, but bear in mind it’s going to be a crude, primitive example.

    Imagine me talking to - unknown fact to me - a pedophile over the Internet. For reasons unknown I made him angry. Angry enough to stalk me, invade the privacy of my home and steal my child, just to make me suffer because he felt I did him wrong.

    My anonymity protects me against such an occurrence.

  • So far it’s splendid.

    I woke up with my head nearing an explosion, but the sheer force of my will was enough to stop the countdown, what is a testimony to my unbreakable character. Yay me!

    On my way to work I made a new friend - a very energetic gentleman, who certainly didn’t want to ran me over with his car. We exchanged pleasentries, and he tried to make me laugh by showing his funny grimaces while passing by. It was fun!

    At work I was greeted with what we call in IT “a fire”. One of our oldest machines broke, and since there’s a tiny, ancient computer hidden inside, it became my task to fix it. Now, those were very refreshing hours, when our whole corpo freezed because one tiny, ancient computer refused to work.

    I can’t wait to see what the upcoming hours will bring! 🤘