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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I wish there were fewer hurdles to that as well. Where I live, we only recently lifted a ban on collecting rainwater, though we’re still severely limited. That the water is “spoken for” by downstream desert alfalfa farms makes it even harder to swallow.

    Decentralizing agriculture to local gardens is part of how we solve this mess. Actively promoting replacement of ornamental monoculture lawns with native, low-water, pollinator-friendly plants would also be a positive step. Golf courses, big ag, corporate and individual property owners… there’s a long list of entities that need to reevaluate their relationship with and responsibility to the land they ostensibly maintain.

  • Please don’t feel ashamed… Intent matters a lot, and I see you and the mod team trying your ass off to do right by our community. You made a good faith effort to connect with a bad faith community and you honestly deserve props for trying.

    At hexbear, anger, conspiracy, and disrespect for everyone else is the primary focus, and leftism is nothing more than the vehicle they choose to deliver it. They actively encourage trolling and discourage philisophical deviation beyond tokenism. They actually believe the CIA is out to get them. Anyone who’s not with them is a dirty liberal, Nazi, going to the gulag, etc. It’s exactly the same vocabulary and mindset as the conservative extremists, or even any religious cult. At best, they believe they need to fight fire with fire, when the better answer is to smother the fire with a blanket.

    They could remake the world exactly the way they claim to want, but they’d still be dickheads. We’re better off without them; I get the sense they’re happier without us as well.

    Thanks for trying, seriously. You make this instance a better place.