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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I think the Jedi/no Jedi debate isn’t useful. I believe the major difference is whether or not the writing is good or not. Andor felt like the best star wars material ever written, a whole different league. Mandalorian season 1 felt like fresh, fun star wars. Season 2 felt messier and more corporate with it’s connections to the greater universe. Season 3 felt bad. Ashoka felt bad. Boba fett felt bad.

    They feel worse the worse the writing gets, Jedi or not.

    I agree that seeing a wider range of stories from different time periods (other than the ones Disney has already fucked up - looking at you FO and the rehash of 4-6) would be great. But that’s not what will predict the quality - well paid writers with a vision and a team around them interested in that vision is what we need.

  • You no longer have to give up citizenship to be a German citizen, and the US doesn’t require that either. A new law passed this year and comes into effect sometime around April I believe (still new to the exact legislation process in this country).

    But yes, I would not encourage anyone to move to the US at this time. They are the largest proponent of late stage capitalism and those policies bring instability to the worker classes which begets authoritarianism. That’s rarely a good thing for anyone.

  • That feels like a really pedantic difference.


    I kill 100% of a population AND my intent was to do that = genocide

    I kill 100% of a population BUT my intent was only to kill a lot of people = not genocide???

    If that’s really what you’re saying is the discrepancy then I have to disagree with this recognition being purely political. This seems like a common sense thing. The holodomor happened, it was mass purposeful death. We can argue if it was targeted against a people or a location, but the effect was clearly bound to some group or region and it was effective within those boundaries to the extent that it could be considered a genocide.

    Without doing any reading on the matter for this topic as well, that’s what I’d say.

  • The main comments seem to think Milley WAS commenting on Biden’s health after saying he wouldn’t and I disagree.

    He said Biden read the prep material, was aware of the current issues, and took national security matters very seriously. You could extrapolate that to mean he’s mentally well but I don’t think that’s a necessary conclusion and it’s definitely not a direct comment on the president’s health.

    No one likes how old the president is, but Milley wasn’t going against his own words here in the excerpt that I read.