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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023


  • As a lay-person, it seems kind of light on details and a bit fanciful. The article states they created pancreatic islet seed cells, but fails to link how exactly this cures diabetes. (I’m assuming these cells create the insulin.)

    Another point is this seems to fly in t he face of what we’ve been told for decades, that diabetes can now be cured and not just managed. (I personally don’t have a problem with this, everything is impossible until it becomes possible.)

    The biggest issue I see is that this cured one person. Diabetes is a fairly common condition, they shouldn’t have had a problem getting more participants in a study.

  • Not sure how sarcastic you are, but I could see work camps being built. I think we’d see some deportations and some people sent to work camps, but not a complete crack down. Just enough to make it a threat.

    It’s not just the logistics of moving that many people that is a problem. It would be extremely damaging to the economy. Undocumented labor makes the food we have as cheap as it is (along with government subsidies). If that labor pool evaporated we’d see more widespread issues with food rotting before being picked and food not getting processed.

    The work camps would take the form of farms and food processing plants, possibly expanding to other manufacturing later. Free slave labor is how we’d compete against the slave labor in other countries. It’s important to note that managing that takes up a lot of resources, so I’d expect the majority to not be rounded up and sent to these camps. I’d expect the threat of being sent to a camp to be used to extract lower pay and more hours out of the existing undocumented population that works in those industries.

    Having these populations still intact would be useful to instigate more crackdowns as political events to provide a boost.

    The main problem with these camps (and existing populations) is that people have kids even under the worst circumstances. That is why we’re seeing the talking point to remove/overturn birthright citizenship. Eventually the camp population would be almost entirely us citizens which makes things less tenable. So they’d need to remain different so it’d be okay for them to stay in the camps they were born into.

  • Maybe if the person who’s actions are being protested against are reasonable. When protesters are met by military forces and detained in trumped up charges of terrorism, then they don’t work until there looks to be consequences for the person/group being protested.

    As a rule of thumb if you have the military on your side protests get crushed. Look at Egypt for an example of what happens once the military gets involved.

    [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Blair\_Mountain](The Battle of Blair Mountain) is a good example on the US end. Striking US mine workers crushed by the US military on US soil. You could argue that it was one of many events that led to labor protections, but it wasn’t the inviting event and those protections came more than a decade later.

  • Since this is in nostupidquesrions and not a piracy community I’ll offer a different take:

    Try your local library for physical copies. Depending on your library system, it may be free (or low cost) to have copies sent from other branches. Again depending on your system it may be possible to get copies from libraries outside of the system through Inter Library Loans (ILL) if your library participates.

    Also library systems may have access to some streaming content, depends on your system. Some large cities, like NYC, offer library cards to everyone in t the state.

    Tangentially related, the Internet Archive also hosts tons of material you might not find anywhere else. Probably not what you’re looking for, but I’ve found things like Mister Rogers episodes there that aren’t available on Amazon or DVDs. Quality of content may vary and you’re more likely to find older content there.