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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • How foolish. Japan violently occupied Korea. After the USA nuked Japanese civilians, they took over Japan’s dominance of Korea, threatening both Russian and China. The USA was internally debating nuking Korea and also invading China.

    When the Vietnamese revolted against French colonial rule, the French brutally repressed them, but still lost. The USA came in to maintain that colonial dominance and destroyed Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, all in positions to threaten China.

    The Dalai Lama’s brother has written a book expressing his regrets around working with the CIA as they used the Dalai Lama and his family to threaten China. The USA was training Tibetan terrorists and literally airlifting them into Tibet to create violence and chaos and undermine China.

    When China underwent a civil war and the losers fled to Taiwan and established a brutal fascist dictatorship and executed the White Terror, the USA and UK blockaded the island to prevent the civil war from continuing because the West wanted the fascists to win.

    It’s real simple, the USA needs to get the fuck out of Asia entirely, they need to stop withdrawing from nuclear treaties, they need to stop occupying Korea, they need to stop training terrorists in East Asia, they need to remove their 600 international military bases, they need to get rid of their immunity for their soldiers from any and all crimes they commit on foreign soil, they need to drop their policy of invading The Hague if a USA official or soldier is ever tried by the ICC, they need to stop trying to undermine MAD and developing nuclear first strike capabilities, and they need to stop brutal sieges of nations all over the world causing shortages of food and medicine.

  • It is in China’s self-interest for the era of imperialism, complete with its colonialism and neocolonialism, to come to an end. It turns out, that’s also in the self-interest of literally everyone, even the imperialists. So the fact that this is in the interests of China is sort of a moot point.

    That’s like saying a doctor is only curing people of life threatening diseases so she can eat a decent meal and sleep in a comfortable bed. Uh, sure… I think we can all agree that whoever helps out should get a good life. What’s the point of saying what you’re saying, exactly?

  • Uhhh, ok sweaty? Like, Binance trades in those currencies. The problem is the crypto wallet service ecosystem that was developed and pushed. The coins are decentralized but the wallet platforms are all points of control. And it’s the wallet platforms that are spending the money on advertising and social media, not the coins themselves. So the whole ecosystem - outside of the gear heads who knows enough to run their own wallets AND know enough to run them securely and redundantly to avoid loss - the whole ecosystem is intermediated by feds and fed-adjacent actors.

  • A Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) led investigation discovered the plane in the Dominican Republic, a source said.

    Sooo… homeland security of the USA was in the Dominican Republic, an ostensibly sovereign nation, and stole the plane of the president of another sovereign nation.

    The plane is the Venezuelan equivalent to Air Force One

    Can you imagine what would happen if another nation did this to the USA?

    “[…] for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies”

    Like Air Force One is for Biden and his cronies, or Clinton and his cronies, or Reagan and his cronies?

    “This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States […]”

    So they didn’t know it was illegally purchased before the USA Homeland Security stole it from the Dominican Republic?

    “The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States.”

    How does undermining unilateral politically motivated sanctions undermine the national security of the USA?

    “The seizure of this aircraft is another significant action by Homeland Security Investigations working with our domestic and international partners against the illegal activities of the Maduro regime,”

    It’s not illegal in Venezuela to violate the unilateral sanctions of the USA. It’s not illegal ANYWHERE to violate unilateral sanctions of some other country.

    “This is an important step to ensure that Maduro continues to feel the consequences from his misgovernance of Venezuela,”

    This is some real Team America: World Police level brain rot.