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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • foyrkopp@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    This isn’t about guys’n’gals.

    This is simpky about how people work:

    If your peers (friends, colleagues, family) have an opinion (any opinion), their default expectation is that you share that opinion - this is what being a peer is mostly about.

    You can demonstrate solidarity by agreeing - this is virtually always the safe option.

    You can demonstrate backbone by disagreeing - this can generate respect or animosity.

    You can refuse to weigh in - this is mostly a middle ground between the two above.

    How it actual shakes out in reality will depend on a myriad of factors, many of which you’re not even consciously aware of.

    Thus, this random internet stranger can give you only three pieces of advice:

    • Trust your instincts on how to handle this. Your subconscious is very well wired to navigate social situations as best as possible.

    • If you ever change your opinion or “change your opinion”, announce it clearly and give/make up a reason. People disrespect people who are inconsistent, but they respect people who can admit to mistakes / learn.

    • Sometimes, you can’t win. Sometimes, someone will be pissed off, no matter what you do. It’s no fault of yours, some situations are just not salvageable to begin with.

  • Suburbs can’t be a ponzi scheme

    Genuine question: Why not?

    While the article indeed barely touched on its headline, the way I’ve seen the “suburb infrastructure upkeep problem” described seems indeed reminiscent of a ponzi scheme.

    The way I understand it:

    Suburbs have a relatively low initial cost (for the city) compared to the taxes they generate. However, their maintenance cost is relatively high because Suburbs are huge.

    Thus, US cities have long had a policy of paying the rising cost of their older Suburbs by creating new Suburbs - which is pretty analogous to a Ponzi scheme.

  • I had something vaguely similar happen to me.

    We got called out of the line for a manual luggage inspection because, as a surprisingly bored security agent informed us, X-ray showed a knife of about a foot length in our luggage.

    We had no idea what they were talking about.

    We were half-way through unpacking the whole pack when my SO lit up and asked “could it be my ice skates?”

    Agent took a look at the X-ray, nods, and lets us pack it back up without any further checking.

    Overall, turned out harmlessly, but the sheer confusion of where that supposed knife had come from, combined with how blasé that security person was about the whole affair from start to finish stuck in my mind.

  • You’d need to significantly increase overall education (both among voters ans legislators) on how science works to make the latter feasible.

    Scientists are human. Scientists have opinions. Scientists require funding. Scientists disagree.

    Simple example: The heliocentric model didn’t become accepted knowledge because the “earth is the center of the universe” crowd (who *were? scientists) was convinced by scientific argument - they weren’t. It did when they died.

    Science holds a lot of high-likelihood facts. This is what we call the “generally accepted body of knowledge”. We know that the earth is round. We can predict gravity in most circumstances. And yes, we know that anthromorphic climate change is real.

    But there’s also a lot of “game-changing” studies/experiments out there that are still to be debunked without ever making it into said body of accepted knowledge. This is normal, it is how science works.

    Yet it also means that for virtually any hair-brained opinion that is not already strongly refuted by said body of knowledge (flat earth, for example, is refuted), you can find some not yet debunked science to support it.

    Separating the wheat from the chaff here requires insight into the scientific process (and it’s assorted politics and market mechanisms) most people (and voters) don’t have.

    And no, just telling people whether a fact is broadly accepted in the scientific community or fringe science doesn’t work. We tried that with the topic of anthromorphic climate change.

  • Hypothesis: what matters here is a social toolbox for engaging with “attractive”/compatible women in a non-romantic/sexual way.

    I.e. someone who, even as a teenager, had lots of female friends, is likely to have a learned how to deal with them as persons, beyond “I’d like to hit that”.

    (Paradoxically, such a person is more likely to find a romantic partner, because they might have lots of M-F acquaintances/friendships that can potentially become something more.)

    Someone who never learned that, can only interact with (to them) attractive women through the lens of “I’d like to hit that”, which has a much higher risk of ending in failure.

    If someone in the second category was always raised on the values of romantic success being a requirement for a non-failed life, and possibly with a touch of chauvinism/misogyny, they might wind up caught up in a frustrating loop of failure.

    This is how incels can happen.

  • A landlord and their tenant(s) are at a natural conflict of interest to begin with.

    Also, for most tenants, the rising costs for many goods and services associated to housing are bundled into rent, so to them, it’s their landlord who’s jacking up prices and being frugal with repairs etc.

    Next, the term “landlords” encompasses not only uncle Mike who invested his life savings in two apartments to secure his retirement, but also the millionaire who owns a dozen houses and the middle manager who doesn’t even own the units they’re managing but has to represent a large company.

    So landlords make for easy targets of frustration to begin with.

    A landlord who is, on top of that, intent on not only covering costs (including their own), but wants to create generational wealth get rich(er) quickly, will have to squeeze their tenants more.

    Remember: wealth isn’t created. It’s extracted.

    (Yes, there’s money genuinely being generated somewhere in the realms of credits and banking, but my LL isn’t being paid by a bank. They’re being paid by me.)

  • I genuinely believe that all the tabooisation around sex is a holdover from the days where birth control wasn’t readily available.

    There was an economic incentive for People Who Own Stuff to control procreation, because this allows them to control who inherits their stuff.

    There was a personal incentive for most people to control procreation to prevent their children of making A Mistake™ by getting stuck with The Wrong Person™.

    Where there’s incentives, they’ll wind up being followed. Story as old as time.

    Cloaking all that in religion is just window dressing so one doesn’t have to admit their true reasoning, but a purely secular pre-contraception society would also have tried to regulate sex.