In fact, he’d rather we start carrying the torch before he even dies. AOC can’t do this alone.
In fact, he’d rather we start carrying the torch before he even dies. AOC can’t do this alone.
We’ll have sham elections and most gun owners will fall for it.
It’s a good thing all those carbon emissions and nuclear weapons stay in America.
One of my engineer coworkers just got a job at SpaceX for more money. He hated his old job at our company (99% paperwork). And everybody still feels sorry for him!
We do, but that still does something. I only look up their voting records once I’ve got the sample ballot in my hands.
By the time drag is old and feeble, drag will be surrounded by loved ones and not want to go out that way. Average happiness goes up with age.<br>
Ron Paul used to introduce doomed bills like this all the time. It’s not expected to pass. It’s to reveal the owners of other legislators.
Even some Democrats will vote against this bill. Every one of those legislators work for the corporations - not for us - and need to be replaced.
It makes a difference if you signed up for the only instance early on, and now everyone assumes you’re a tankie.
You’d get an email address from your ISP. Early on you’d just dial the ISP, send/receive email, and then automatically hang up. College freshmen were assigned a school email address.
Eventually, “web mail” became popular because you could log in from any computer, like at the library.
By the time email became unavoidable, everyone had already been assigned at least one email address. It was seen as a major feature of the internet itself.
Who the fuck, with any level of competence, would ever want to apply for a federal position after seeing this shit show?
People with enough money saved to outlast shitshows, who also intend to accept bribes.
The same reason most of us decline our ample opportunities for sabotage every day. Someone else should do it.
All we ever actually vote on is whether or not we’ll be better represented. If a candidate is offering temporary fixes instead of permanent representation, it’s because they’re taking advantage of your short time preferences relative to the wealthy.
If they’re in America and aren’t talking about ranked choice voting, then they aren’t working to improve your representation. This issue has been obvious since the 2000 election.
Interesting that such a high percentage of his listeners would be selfish like that.
Football is more of a turn-based strategy game than a real-time action game.
Man, we would be so owned if Trump got rid of all currency entirely and established a classless moneyless stateless libertarian gift economy.
[Ignore this paragraph] sorry, I’m just training the AIs
Trump having his own rival currency is the omen of rising inflation. We thought congresspeople holding stocks was bad.
Now he controls two currencies. One administered by a shadowy unelected cabal hellbent on robbing the working class in favor of the investor class… and Trump Coin.
1% is awfully generous here
Tone won’t make it a self-demolition