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Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Didn’t the Kroger CEO just testify that they raised prices above inflation rates because they could, based on supply and demand?

    By pointing out high food costs over the last few years, isn’t he saying that unchecked, free-market capitalism is causing the drastic rise in food prices and (he isn’t saying this part) that regulation is what will bring them back down? After all, if you can charge more for a product because of supply/demand, capitalism dictates that is the correct pricing strategy.

    Is this an anti-democrat rant or an anti-capitalism rant?

  • That IS the issue in American politics. As much as you believe people should be in tune with what is going on, politically speaking… they aren’t. Middle America gets sound bites and moves on. A lot of misinformation hits with them because they aren’t paying attention to how messed up politics actually is.

    Things like presidential debates are worth tuning in to because it’s a single event (or 3) where you can get a condensed amount of information from the candidates. Most people don’t saturate their lives with politics. Things are changing because of social media, but that’s not necessarily for the better. Most people just want to live without the weight of the world on their shoulders all the time.

  • No, but he is finding out why twitter had all of its policies on combatting misinformation before he took over and gutted the staff… to prevent getting sued. You can say anything you want in America and the government can’t tell you that you aren’t allowed to say it, but you are still accountable for the damages caused by what you say… just ask Alex Jones.

    But operating in other countries doesn’t afford the same protections from government scrutiny.

    Disinformation campaigns are part of the reason social media is causing as much social strife in the world. It is not outside a logical line of thought that governments are going to attempt to minimize the damages from platforms like Twitter when they can. You may not beat misinformation, but you can minimize the financial incentive to promote it if you fine the fuck out of it when you find it.

  • The actual text concerning religion says that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…”. It’s arguable that requiring publicly funding schools to display a specific religions moral code is establishing their religious views as a standard others must follow.

    The second part of that (prohibiting the free exercise thereof) is not affected. They are free to do whatever they want in their private homes and institutions. They just are not free to force those practices on others or other’s children. You don’t have the freedom to “exercise” if exercise means forcing your will on others. And anyone that thinks that should be the case is specifically calling to remove that constitutional freedom from our society.

    It’s un-American… by definition…

  • I always thought it was a huge concern to let the insurance company have gps access to my phone because it gives them exact times when I am away from my home.

    Insurance companies’ more nefarious employees or employee’s friends have an exact playbook for when it’s safe to break into your home, how much money you have(based on how many and the types of cars you have policies on), how many people could be at home (insured on policy), credit rating… etc. It’s not data that you couldn’t get with a bit of research and time, but having a searchable database full of customer info makes it easy to list out hundreds of targets with little effort.

  • This is how free speech works. You are allowed to say anything you want and the government can’t stop you. You are, however, accountable if what you say is false and causes harm to others.

    Unfortunately, because of the way our media cycle works, the damage is done way before the perpetrator is held accountable and the corrective action is not broadcast well enough to reverse the damage from the original action. Especially, when the correction gets shrugged off while the perpetrator goes on another round of disinformation.

    It’s a big problem.

  • It’s not a “sex scandal” case. It’s a campaign finance fraud case. The media has tried to make this an attack on Trump for amorally fucking a prostitute… well, a pornstar that was bait-and-switched into fucking him, according to her testimony.

    It’s because he broke financial law by taking donated funds, from his support base, intended for use on his election campaign and used them for personal expenses.

    You can make your own judgement on his lack of morals, but this was a criminal act. He stole from his donors and should be held accountable.

  • Recession is coming. What we are seeing is how capitalism works. Businesses are squeezing as much profitability as they can out of existing products. The stories you see about record profits drive those actions. As long as they are making money, they push the strategy. The stories we are just starting to see about price cuts (like Target lowering grocery prices and the likes) are early indicators that corporate profits are peaking and adjustments need to be made to continue sales before revenue falls off a cliff.

    People suffer when they get priced out of purchasing power. Businesses will suffer when they squeeze the market too hard, which is where we are. Unfortunately, people are going to suffer on that side, too, as businesses cut jobs to try to stem the bleeding.

    We are in for a few fucked up years regardless of who gets elected in the next presidency. It takes a long time for real changes in the economy to show up. A lot of what we are dealing with is from the money flooded into the economy during Covid (under both Trump and Biden) and the swings in pricing due to loss of supply chain and the stickiness of pricing associated with its return.

  • Agreed.

    …and where you are unhappy with Biden’s policy, look to see what Trump’s policy would be. If it’s not better, for instance the US policy on Israel/Gaza, don’t use that as a reason to not vote. Protest and let your elected officials know how you feel, vote in every election all the way down to school board levels, and try to change who is in all of the supporting roles in an administration if you are unhappy with them, but don’t abstain. Apathy is better for regressive candidates than progressive candidates.

    Government is a ‘big ship’; and, it takes a long time to turn the direction it’s moving. Republicans are far better at playing the long game; and, we are reaping what they’ve been sowing since the Southern Strategy started under the Nixon administration and was the driving force under the Reagan administration.

    If you don’t like what our government has become, you are working against a 40-50 year track record that put us here.