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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • how she contrasts with cheney has little impact on the genocide; future the cia induced coups; nor the continuing widening wealth gap; etc.

    cheney is an accelerant and aoc is an inhibitor to the same child bombing, rich guy party we’re calling a country since people like cheney hold all of he cards and the best people like aoc can hope for is play along and act surprised each time they re-discover that the game is rigged toward’s cheney’s side each time people like aoc fail and cling on increasingly rarer watered down victories to justify the relatively tiny distinctions between the two.

    <SARCASM> and even when they fail it’s simply because you didn’t vote hard enough and ABSOLUTELY NOTE because your vote is diminished or suppressed because only lazy non-voting americans are simply too lazy to overcome studied, coordinated, and court-busting-proven astro-turfed national conservative movements financed by unknown multi-milion/bilion dollar interests in coordination with most states and the federal governments since 1980, all intent on keeping them from voting…</SARCASM>

  • That judge is smart enough to know that if he decides against the next president of the United States then he can kiss is career goodbye.

    Trump is still the favorite to win thanks to the electoral college and this judge knows that; so he’s not going to do anything to jeopardize his position like any other judge in this country would do.

    It lays bare the inherent contradictions of our legal system and all of the legal professionals would prefer it that we didn’t pay attention, but merchan doesn’t have that luxury so he’s going to play it safe to protect himself; to the detriment the rest of the country as Trump himself has done

  • Yes. It was true in October and November of 2023, and then it stopped being true as domestic production fell from the peak it achieved in those months. Pretty sure I touched on this.

    Your link is actually a really good overview of a lot of the issues involved, why this is still a massive problem whatever level of “progress” has been made, and the successes and failures of the current administration. Like I said, if you’re up for a fact based discussion, that sounds great. It sounds like maybe you are not though. Like you didn’t even seem to be aware that both of our arguments give the same date for the peak; you offered the October 2023 article as a sort of counterargument for me saying the peak was November 2023…

    you’re assuming it was only 2023; here’s another article that shows fossil fuel generation is increase is trend upwards and estimated to continue onwards into 2025

    This is a fascinatingly specific type of non-answer to what I asked you. I asked whether climate-friendly policies that don’t directly impact China were of interest to you. It kinda sounds like the answer is “no”…

    my response converts the theory into impact; people are hurting because of these policies and the biden administration is ignoring that damage; as biden has always done.

    Yeah. Biden used to be much more conservative; he was part of that whole Clinton revolution of right-wing Democrats that was so horrifying in the 1990s. I didn’t expect all that much out of him and then he somehow wound up being this super-progressive president, by the standards of Washington, and the Democratic congress more or less (with some fuckin HUGE asterisks on that it’s true) went along with it. I was surprised. We need more of that; he was, of course, only progressive by the fairly low standards of Washington.

    biden hasn’t changed; the issues around him have changed and it only seems that biden has evolved because he needed to votes from the people that he had been shitting on for decades; as biden has also always done.

    But it’s still weird to me that you’re clinging to the talking points when I’m clearly open to the conversation. IDK. Good luck I guess. You’re giving me a chance to air out some of the factual details and expand on them, so I’m fine with talking about it even if you don’t seem like you can really make sense of what I’m saying.

    you only shared justification for shitty policies and minimized of the only facts presented with citations in this entire exchange.

  • Not literally true; the most recent figures I’ve seen make it look like US field production of crude oil has been going down since November 2023. But you sort of have a point as regards continued extraction going up and up, which is a problem. If anything I am saying sounds like “and that’s why everything is fine and we don’t need to reduce anything else at this point,” I am not saying that.

    here’s an article i read not too long ago from a reputable organization that proves that this is literally true


    So you’re super upset about the tariffs on Chinese EVs, but you don’t really care about other aspects of recent legislation regardless of their impact on the landscape? Do I have that right?

    the policies are put in place to guarantee american hegemony and it doesn’t matter if it’s the chinese or the americans that will continue to fuck over the world for their own interests; i need these green products to continue earning a living in this country and so do many other people.

    Depends on how you measure. This is the first result I came up with when looking into it – however, there’s an important aspect of it that that doesn’t delve into. Working class wages rose by about 32% during that period, unadjusted – meaning that yes inflation ate up 20 percentage points of that gain, but also, the poorest Americans actually saw wages go up by a massive amount even under the punishing 2022 inflation. That, to me, is notable, and highly unusual even for a Democratic president (because yes they are corporate friendly scum quite a lot of the time; on that we can agree). No? I’m not bothered that tech workers at the top of the scale lost 3% of their wages relative to inflation, if you pick the exact right start and end points.

    nice cherry picking

    Fuckin citation needed lol

    this one is literally in recent living memory and so easy to find on google that it’s crystal clear you’re sealioning.

    democrats went out of their way to block the only truly socialist for president both times

    True dat

    Fuck the DNC; on that we can agree

    then why did you use it as an example that democrats have changed?

  • we’re literally at the highest peak of fossil fuel generation in recorded history and using tariffs to block truly affordable green energy products; wages across the board have not kept up with the cost of living; and biden literally created the student loan problem with the law he championed in 2005.

    the dnc hasn’t changed at all; it’s the issues that have change; and democrats went out of their way to block the only truly socialist for president both times.

    you’re mistaking reality for “both sides” arguments; the republicans have done worse and the democrats are merely enabling them.