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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I am one. I’m a pretty weak monarchist, though, it’s just that I look south and I’m glad that there’s a “higher level” looking over our politicians. Even if the GG nominations aren’t always ideal, at least in theory they aren’t beholden to popular opinion. The fact that they’re nominated and not elected ensures that they don’t have the legitimacy to push their own agenda either. So it’s a powerful position, but mostly symbolically and there would be a lot of backlash if some ambitious GG tried to use this power for anything other than extreme cases.

    In my opinion, this is partly why our politics haven’t yet devolved to the point of getting a Donald Trump. You can say what you want about Trudeau, but at least the government doesn’t shut down every so often just because they can’t agree on a budget.

  • Funnily enough, in my town there used to be a Future Shop, and then a Best Buy sprung up in the new commercial district, but apparently couldn’t compete because it closed 2 years later. Then about a year later Best Buy bought Future Shop and they re-branded the existing Future Shop to Best Buy.

  • Yeah, there’s some stuff on the side, but get a can of chef boyardee, a sealed packet of crackers and a pop tart, and that’s pretty much it. Add some Qwik and Gatorade powder for hydration, maybe. At 250$ per 12-pack it’s more expensive than eating out.

    I’m involved with the Canadian cadet program, and these are the exact ones we eat when we go on expédition, they’re nothing fancy. They are convenient, though.

  • Canadian here. It really depends on if it’s a cultural use or something the government might have an influence on through legislation. They can force industries to label packages in metric, but they can’t force grandma to change her manually-transcribed recipes. The other big influence is obviously our neighbours to the south. A lot of industries haven’t switched over there, and we get their products. Main culprit here would be the construction industry, lumber and hardware is all in US customary units and I hate it.

  • That was my first thought, actually. I’ve since come to realize that a completely random selection may not properly reflect the will of the population, and some electoral input is desireable.

    What you’re referring to is the influence of money in politics, and my answer to that would be pretty simple: 100% forbid all advertising in elections. Instead, candidates are provided screen time on public television & radio (CBC / Radio-Canada), a website where they can present their platform, and some form of print media that gets distributed in all homes. They can only advertise through these channels, and nowhere else. If a journalist wants to interview a candidate, they also have to give equal coverage to their opponents.

    Basically, money would be useless as a tool for winning elections. Electoral spending is already closely scrutinized here in Canada, this would only bring that even further.

  • Here’s an idea: Every election, you randomly choose ~5-10 people for each seat, and these are your candidates. If you’re not selected, you can’t run. To make sure people actually want to be elected, let’s also make the salary really enticing for the representatives. Maybe, just maybe, let’s also make the incumbent one of the candidates, so you can get re-elected if you do a good job and people like you (but I’m really not sure about this part).

    I think it’d help make the composition of Parliament mirror more closely that of the general population.

  • By that same logic, can Russia ask Japan to extradite a US citizen because they advocated for LGBTQ+ rights while they were in South Korea? Because that’s basically what’s happening here, I just swapped the offence and the countries involved.

    Dude isn’t a US person, wasn’t in the US when he committed the alleged crime, and said alleged crime isn’t a crime where he allegedly committed it. US law isn’t world law.

    EVEN IF the guy might’ve been rapist asshole (allegations were fishy as heck), this extradition proceeding is a gross overreach by the US, and the UK should have laughed it out of court. If a country has any leg to stand on regarding extradition, it’s Sweden (I think that’s where he was when he committed all the alleged crimes, both the sexual ones and the wikileaks ones).