Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Similar boat (sans furry), and I’ve recently decided I’m tired of being lonely. I’ve started going to a trivia night at a local bar that someone from my church hosts, even though I end up playing alone each week*, and I found a MCC church (basically, gay church) and went there, where I found a gay men’s discussion group I’m going to attend on Monday. I have two friends, both straight, but I’m hoping to get them and some people other people either through them or through trivia/discussion group to help start a bowling team.

    *Even though I’m the only one playing without a team, I’ve come in second twice!

  • I switched full time to Linux a few years ago for similar (but more embarrassing!) reasons, only leaving the dual boot for a particular software I needed for school (just got a solution for that, too, and finally uninstalled windows last night).

    A couple years ago I got a message on laptop that my onedrive was full. “I have onedrive?” I says to myself.

    “Apparently you do, self” self says back

    I open onedrive, wondering what could possibly be on there, as I only use my laptop for two things, school and porn.

    You can imagine what my onedrive was full of. Essays… And porn!

    It was school onedrive.

    I immediately go in and start deleting everything. Including the pictures that I had taken myself. Of myself.

    I get an email from my academic advisor the next day. Deleting so much had sent up a red flag, and they had someone to check up on it, to make sure it wasn’t a hacking attempt or a virus or some such thing.

    She wants to inform me that it’s not acceptable to use my school one for adult content.

    I, in fact, died. You’re speaking with a ghost.

  • I’m a caregiver for my mom, so I work in the home. I turned off all notifications. Texts, calls, all of it. If I leave the house, I’ll unmute so I know if she calls me, because she may need actual help with something, but even then, it’s literally just her on Whatsapp that goes through, nothing else.

    I’ve never felt like I had a healthier relationship with my phone. I tend to scroll a little too much on Lemmy, watch too many YouTube shorts in the bathroom or while I’m cooking, but other than that, I feel like a normal human again for the first time since ~2010

  • Honestly, that’s the most surprising thing to me. I’m so used to seeing the democrats have amazing opportunities and completely and totally fail to see them. It would be comical if it didn’t have such dire consequences. It’s like a reverse Mr. Magoo, everything looks safe, but they’re constantly stepping on rakes and walking off ledges and just missing that suitcase full of cash. It’s absurd.

    This time, though, it’s like they actually see the path forward and they’re taking it. It’s wild.