I almost consider that a feature. Same with the sign up process, it may help keep a lot of bots out.
I almost consider that a feature. Same with the sign up process, it may help keep a lot of bots out.
After the election but most notably after inauguration they started to creep out everywhere, especially into local subs. r/Seattle suddenly had weird narratives being pushed. They did usually get downvoted to hell though and the sub mods have mostly been keeping a handle on it.
Lindsey Graham has flip flopped on Ukraine with dizzying frequency since January 20
That’s part of the problem. In some states there are basically only establishment dems on the ballot. The popular dems at the moment are AOC and Bernie who are from NYC (Bronx) and Vermont respectively. Both of those areas are solid blue.
I’m out on the west coast, another very blue area, and the vibe is to primary out a few dems who are bending the knee
It was inevitable that reddit would fall victim to enshittification once they went public. Now the line must go up forever so they’ll just copy paste every shitty addictive feature from every other garbage platform.