An Embedded Software Engineer who does game dev as a hobby.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The Republicans should never have gone down this road in the first place.

    I think this is the crutch of our disagreement. My question to you is why? The Republicans want power. They want to turn the US into a Free Market Theocracy. Why shouldn’t they do what they are doing? I personally think what they are doing is bad, but why should they care?

    Getting mad at the Democrats for not being good enough to stop that is akin to victim blaming.

    I am more interested in your response to my first point, but I couldn’t let this stand. It’s such a bad comparison. Both the Dems and Republicans are fighting for power, they are not a victim and an aggressor, they are both aggressors.

    Do you blame the thief, or do you blame the homeowner for not having better locks?

    I blame the police for not arresting the thief when they revealed their plans to rob my house before they robbed it.

  • I don’t think you understand. No reasonable person thinks that republicans are good or not to blame. Blaming the republicans won’t stop them from taking power. They have done and continue to do what they have said they will do and the Democratic party has done nothing to stop them.

    It’s like your sky diving, and your parachute fails to open. Do you get upset at gravity or the guy who packed your parachute? Yeah, gravity is what is going to kill you, but it doesn’t care, that was the plan. The guy who packed the parachute is your only real way of controlling the situation.

    The Democratic Party packed the parachute and it isn’t opening. Hopefully it does soon.

  • I think it comes down to whether or not there is negative stigma with being circumcised.

    We all have to set our own bar on this one, from my perspective, I don’t see that society really cares if a person is cut or uncut.

    I would say that if this is causing problems for your life, then you should consider seeking therapy. Even if it turns out that society is gunning for you, getting help can make it easier to live in that society.

  • My dude, I’m circumcised.

    I don’t get out much, is this a thing that happens a lot? I guess I don’t openly declare I’m circumcised to my social group. So there’s no way that they would know. But if they did would they make that a big deal? I have a hard time imagining that they would even care.

    Are you sure this is a societal problem and not a friend group problem?