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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Anyone interested can find (usually free) externally hosted freshRss and TinyRss hosts on the chatons website. Select one of those in the “based on” drop down menu.

    I’ve tried both and like neither. As far as I can tell, they only have a small number of apps. And none of them work offline. With a regular RSS reader you can refresh it when you have internet access, then everything is available when you do not. Like an email client or any other such software.

    But it might be suitable to you. So check out the chatons.

  • I replicated your experiment. Top link seaching for peertube is

    There are at least videos listed. But they are 80% by the same channel and mostly about cars/EVs with a few other tech things. Immediately i think “this is for a certain type of person” and that aint me.

    They really need to mix up their front page to show some sort of diversity. Should not repeat the same creator over and over again. Surely there are 10-15 people on all of pt that could be highlighted.

  • I have had hardly any time at the desktop this week! I tried your code and I like it because it generally looks good. I like mine because it uses the full use of space and has strong delineations. I’d like to combine them when I can. Dial down the hideous by about 50%.

    Here is my code

    I hope I am not disparaging you by giving you credit. I can remove it if you want. I do not feel this deserves to be in a repo at the moment. It is hideous at the front and the back.

    The Stylus extension exported it with this @-moz-document and tbh I do not exactly know what that is; it isn’t how it shows up when I edit it. I didnt look into it.

    Also I apologize for my various bad css habits such as preceding lines with x or other letters to comment them out instead of using comments. And I use border, outlines, backgrounds to help me locate things. Forgive me I learned CSS before web developer tools, before firebug, and only had intermittent practice since that time. I always fallback to my old ways. Only roughly grok CSS3. Usually I hide these but sometimes i miss. If I would properly share, I’d run a script to remove all the junk.

    But if it works easily in your userstyle extension you should try it out. It might hurt your eyes. I make effort to describe what I am doing in comments, because otherwise I get even more lost, but the way it exported isn’t great.

    Oh also it hides some stuff I am not interested in. So, uh, careful.

  • was hovering over the link like “is this going to be a rick roll or something?”

    so I click it and YES this is literally what I was imagining. not the rick roll, the previous comment. fucking brilliant. in the comments it says it is the last post to /r/videos

    a lot of people mentioning ./ and digg here. on ./ there was this “first post” joke. it was very boring even at that time IMHO. but now is the moment to be thinking about “last post” if you are a person who has “last post” powers.

  • This is the best most comprehensive article written on this subject. And there is a link to every other article. As usual EFF does their homework and applies their judgement to describe perfectly:

    The heart of this fight is for what Reddit’s CEO calls their “valuable corpus of data,” i.e. the user-made content on the company’s servers, and for who gets live off this digital commons. While Reddit provides essential infrastructural support, these community developers and moderators make the site worth visiting, and any worthwhile content is the fruit of their volunteer labor. It’s this labor and worker solidarity which gives users unique leverage over the platform, in contrast to past backlash to other platforms.

  • I thought that was quite an escalation also. But maybe their health & safety committee reccomended it. Probably just trying to make the workers feel embattled and unsafe so they would avoid engaging with the issues and stay to reddits side. Its a PUA kind of doublespeak; spez is the one actually making the threat. But in a way it seems to come from us.

    To be a fly on the wall at the water cooler. Please reddit workers, leak a zoom call.

  • Thank you for sharing! I will try it when i am on desktop.

    I actually used your code as base to start to fix some things that bug me the most… all spacing/positioning the colors are a total mess. So i am interested to see what yours is like. I can tell from looking that yours is more efficient because i do not know what im doing so it is trial and error.

    Do you think there is a better place than wherever we are to post? A repo or other code sharing? I think the stylus extension connects to some sort of website but i never investigated it.

  • thank you I like it! I hate when websites force me to have so much blank space. Like I remember what an improvement it was in 2002 when everyone got into sans serif fonts and padding to their table based layouts and using % widths, but the craft has moved on from those days… For this kind of website I am thinking more of a newspaper and less of a coffee table book.

    looks like Amino is only available for chrome and edge. For other ff users I will say I use an addon called Stylus but it might not be the best one; kind of resource hungry on big pages.