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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I think this is a common misconception about how electability works in a first-past-the-post voting system. There is no benefit to going with a compromise position or reaching out to moderates. The number of people who can be persuaded to vote one way or another is miniscule. The number of people who can be persuaded to vote or not to vote is massive.

    If people are excited or scared, they come out to vote. With disenfranchisement primarily focused on progressive and minority voters, there’s not much left to gain in scaring regressive conservatives more, they already vote at high numbers.

  • See both a psychiatrist and a therapist. Therapy like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can give you some strategies that will help you recognize how you are feeling and give you some distance from your thoughts. For a rough example: Instead of just feeling like you’re failing, you might say, “I am having the thought that I am failing,” and that little bit of distance gives you the space to ask where the thought is coming from. You may then be able to refute it or accept it as the way you feel right now, but not necessarily who you are.

    Psychiatry can help you identify if a medication may be a good option for you and what route to take with it. This will likely be a few months of trying different doses and different medications while you may journal to track the quality of your days.

    If you find yourself having even brief, passive, non-planning suicidal or violent thoughts, get with a professional. They’re good at that stuff.

    Once the major stuff is taken care of, it’s much easier to work on the normal things like daily exercise, nutrition, and social connections.

  • I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what’s going on here. There is an open league and a league restricted to women only.

    Without a women’s league, there are fewer women seen playing, which reinforces the perception that it’s not a sport for women, which creates this feedback loop leading to a smaller pool of women playing chess, thus fewer grand masters who are women. I see value in creating more space for women in chess to create more opportunities for following generations.

    I don’t like excluding trans women. I can imagine an argument that we’re not ready for this until we get to a place where we don’t think to distinguish between trans and cis women. A women’s league in 2023 that a young cis girl is watching that had 3 cis women and 97 trans women, still may look to that young girl like a league for trans women, and not a league for all women that they can see themselves competing in. Personally, I enjoyed watching a marginalized gender eSports competition, and I don’t think the presence of trans women invalidated the impact it could have inspiring young cis girls to pick up gaming.