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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Heck yes, I binged this game over a weekend where I didn’t see many other people and it put me in a weird headspace that was perfect for this game. I really enjoyed it, very unlike anything else I’ve played. If you’re just playing it to beat it, you might not enjoy it, is my guess. But if you’re in the mood to dig in a bit more it’s a lot of fun to learn about the characters through the different websites and messages.

    I’ve recommended this game to friends and coworkers and I don’t think any of them have gone for it. Ah well. This game will always hold a special little place in my heart.

    EDIT: If you weren’t alive back in the days of AOL and angelfire/geocities/Myspace websites, you might not enjoy this game as much. I think you might still enjoy it, but the nostalgia feeling for that bygone age was a big part of the appeal for me.

  • It blows my mind when I think about where we might be headed with this tech. We’ve gotten SO used to the ability to communicate instantly with people far away in the technology age, how will we adapt when we have to go back 300 years and can only trust something someone tells us in person. Will we go back to local newspapers? Or can we not even trust that? Will we have public amphitheaters in busy parts of town, where people will around the news? And we can only trust these people, who have a direct chain of acquaintance all the way back to the source of the information? That seems extreme, but I dunno.

    I think most likely we won’t implement extreme measures like that, to ensure we’re still getting genuine information. I think most likely we’ll just slip into completely generated false news from every source, no longer have any idea what’s really going on, but be convinced this AI thing was overblown, and have no idea we’re being controlled.

  • You said you were out sick for 4 weeks? Do they know why? Maybe you could spin that, say “sorry, I got some scarring in my throat and talking can make it worse, so I really need to only talk about work or I’ll be up all night in pain”. Or something like that.

    Or you could try “sorry, I like working with you, and I know I’ve talked in the past, but I need to admit that I have Asperger’s/autism, and trying to make small talk is very stressful for me, so I hope you’re not offended but I feel like I’m going to burn out unless I make some changes like sticking to only work-oriented discussions from now on. Thank you for your understanding.”

    Bonus points if you type that up and hand it to people, like you can’t even tell it to then directly.

    I know both my answers are “lie in a way that makes you look abnormal” which you may feel like isn’t something you should have to do. Which is true. But you want to minimize them thinking you’re judging them, and they KNOW you are able to talk, so the best way I see is to make them think it’s a problem you have, not about them.

    🤷‍♂️ Good luck!