I find that the people who use terms like “right wing loser” are indistinguishable from the people who use terms like “left wing loser”.
I find that the people who use terms like “right wing loser” are indistinguishable from the people who use terms like “left wing loser”.
That’s fair. But I actually admire the guy. And you people tend to witch-hunt like a bunch of Monty Python extras on crack. So you see where I’m coming from.
No. Can you link me?
ok, watched the video. Ya, that’s a pretty fascist salute there.
This is mob insanity at work. There is no nazi.
He’s just waving at the audience for Christ’s sake.
I get censored here all the time.
Everything written by Greg Egan for the first decade or so of his writing career
Just say it. It’s easy. I mean I assume it’s easy. Asking me to pick through your “meme” is ridiculous. Just state your dumb accusation already.
I know because I know what the medium is like. I have that perspective.
Oh good lord, is it the tiny text at the top? I’m just not seeing it.
How about you just tell me.
I’m sure it was deeply fulfilling. Or some relative equivalent thereof.
And what hearsay am I accused of believing?
There is infinitely more to human interaction than a stream of symbols and images. Trust me on this.
Actually they are more honest. It’s harder to lie. And easier to detect lies. And the repercussions for lying are greater. This makes for less lying.
And that’s without bringing actual firsthand experience into the argument.
No, social media is good for many things, but it is ultimately just a child’s cartoon. A ghostworld.
Just state it plainly. Succinctly. Clearly. Then there will be no room for uncertainty.
I’m really not understanding your argument
Your leap of logic is rather tenuous. Can you rephrase?
Surely you are familiar with the difference between real life and social media.
It’s just weak evidence. Hearsay.
In real life you can talk to people that you know and see things with your own eyes. This is better than essays written by anonymous people on the internet.
I seriously doubt that. It’s rabble rousing.