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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • News headlines won’t change national culture or policy. The pro-policing subset of America is large and has a lot of dark money supporting. Private prisons and the handful of companies that support them, weapons companies who have seen record profits because we militarized our police after 9/11, and fascist sympathizers and supports all want things like that to happen.

    Unless you, me, and everyone else who cares about the issue called our representatives daily to demand action, nothing will change. Even if every single person who wanted police reform in the US called their federal and local representatives demanding change, there is still a good chance the pro-police-brutality club would still have more influence.

  • How can vegans even justify having pets? It’s not okay to milk a cow but it is to keep a cat? Indoor cats are deprived of basically all of their normal cat activities. They can’t range or roam, they can’t socialize with other cats, they are denied their natural predator instincts. As much as I love my kitties, like keeping a predator as a pet is basically kind of a dick move. I don’t care how good you treat your slaves, they’re still slaves.

    If vegans can keep cats, they can eat cheese if the cow is well cared for or eggs if the farmer isn’t a dick to the chickens.

  • Oh no, the guy who will say anything to get elected is saying something different than he used to. How dare he, the scoundrel.

    I guess I’m more interested in who the target demo for this piece is. Like everyone who’s going to care already has an opinion about him (for good or ill) is this a last straw effort to wear down his base? They live in an entirely different reality, if felony indictments, sex scandals, and the rest haven’t been enough him suddenly supporting a popular and controversial app actually might help him with the base.

    Is it red meat for the outrage masochists among Trump’s opposition? If so, why not go for the juicer Russian psyop story that broke a few days ago about former trump staffers and alt right podcasters being paid by the kremlin to sow misinformation? That’s much more outrageous if you’re looking to get your rocks off about what Trump has done this time.

    I am looking forward to the day the only thing people write about Trump is that he’s still alive in Argentina or a look at how the Trump era changed us all.

  • Personally I’d recommend focusing your time and energy on the things you can control. As an individual, there is nothing you can do alone about it. If you feel strongly enough about it you could join or start an advocacy organization about the part of the problem you find most galling. But the truth is unless enough people both want change and are motivated to take action to get it the world will continue its decline unchecked.

    Volunteer if you can, but try not to let it get to you. The impersonal brutality of our world sucks butts. Some horny french guy would tell you that life is absurd. If everyone agreed we shouldn’t burn fossil fuels, we wouldn’t. But we can’t ever all agree about anything. Most landlords aren’t malicious, they just don’t understand how their greed affects others and don’t care enough to try. The horny french guy’s drinking buddy and metamore would say you can only laugh at the absurdity of existing at all. If you look hard enough the entire universe seems in on how fucked we all. Do what you can, but find something else that makes it bother you less (like a hobby, not a meth habit). I like writing weird stuff and being the model maliciously compliant tenant.

    You totally have a move with the landlord. Follow the rules of your lease chapter and verse. I bet there is a specific clause in there about you being responsible for any unreported maintenance issues. And there is also a clause saying something about the landlord’s responsibility to perform maintenance. There is usually some wiggle room, but there is probably like a two week window in which the landlord is required to fix any issues with their building.

    Report everything. Get on a first name basis with the maintenance folks and whoever answers the phone for your landlord. I had a roach problem because my next door neighbor was a hoarder and left my landlord voicemails every night updating them on all the new locations I have found roaches and my efforts to eradicate them myself. Once the roaches were dealt with my landlord was very willing to overlook those maintenance fees because it’s cheaper than court.

    Edit: and was probably grateful not to deal with that tenant.

  • The problem is so much bigger than who said what at what convention. The Democratic party needs to actually do something other than pay lip service to the trans population. Unfortunately trans people are less than 1% of voters. Even if all of their friends and family were allies, that’s still not enough votes to matter.

    The average cis democrat would be perfectly happy with Not-Trump. No one wants trans people to die (at least hopefully), but if it was supporting trans rights or beating Trump? His evangelical base is getting tired of his shit. But if the scary brown lady started talking about transgenders that might be enough to bring them back into the fold.

    Meanwhile in most red states the trans population will be ground into a fine paste regardless of who lives in the white house. Unless dems and pull a hat trick and take the presidency, house, and senate (next to impossible this year) that won’t change.

    It kills me to write, but not talking about trans rights makes sense. That is not a problem within the power of POTUS to solve. A federal law or constitutional amendment is going to be the only way to protect trans rights, abortion access, and gay or interracial marriage. Plus, more cynically, she’s got the trans vote regardless, so best case she just says some words. Worst case she loses the paper thin margin because the jesus freaks who were going to stay home have a reason to vote.

  • Aren’t you ignoring the article and engaging in an ad hominem attack on OP? Block them if it bothers you.

    As a trans woman trapped in a red state, I would feel a lot safer if the dems would actually take a concrete position of whether I can continue existing. It might actually be important enough that I stay home in November, because so far Biden has done almost nothing (some easily undone executive actions and guidelines) and Kamala isn’t talking about it at all (at least more than empty validation and hug boxing)

    The dems are not just as bad as the right, but they’re bad enough on some key issues (trans rights, the supreme court, and the US backed genocide of Palestine) blue no matter who is just ignorant and naive.

  • It’s naive to the point of absurd self delusion. And roughly 95% of our media and government is going along with the delusion.

    I think everyone paying attention is fatigued by everything being the end of the world. Trump fetishists aren’t going to change their minds and everyone who sees the danger he represents don’t need to be told. The sky has been falling for eight years with Trump and so far nothing has even slowed him down (aside from the 2020 loss).

    We’re almost done. Trump does not have another run in him. He’s half crazed now, by 2028 he’ll have his hands full dealing with the dementia. All that matters is that he loses. If Kamala wins, Trump is no longer America’s problem.

    Personally I’m more concerned with what’s going on in red state governments and their efforts to pass heinous laws that will get challenged to the supreme court and erode the rights of all Americans. Unless Kamala expands the court of the house impeaches some justices, it doesn’t really matter who is in the oval office.