• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • … weighs one gram … An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it.

    Not only was this never true - the sentence would have to have say “An amount of carbon-12 atoms weighing 12 times this amount has exactly 1 mole atoms in it” (far less elegant) – but not even this is true any longer after the fuckup in redefining the mole in 2019, after which all these relations between amount of substance and mass are only approximate.

  • Ärlig fråga: ni som är på team blå, hur tycker ni själva att det går just nu?

    Jag är inte någon stor anhängare av endera av koalitionerna, men har inte sittande regering lämnat spelplanen? Bortkollring av elstöd (som enda land i Europa), kronan historiskt låg vilket spär på inflationen relativt andra länder, vars ökning också leds av stigande matpriser på tveksam grund (matkoncernerna gör storvinster), övergivna miljömål, ett försök att stoltsera med en kommande NATO-anslutning istället för att säkra den i det tysta först har placerat oss på en väg av olyckliga omständigheter mot koranbränningar, höjt terrorhot, och potentiella inskränkningar i yttrandefriheten. Har de faktiskt gjort något bra i all denna röra?

  • While a broad concept, in the context of your question, science is a metod to derive knowledge from observations.

    Alternatives to the scientific method is to guess or to obtain knowledge from others. (Most other ways I can come up with, e.g. “religion” can still be sorted under these two.)

    Obtaining knowledge from others is great, but may not always be available, and the quality of the knowledge derived this way depends on the reliability of the source.

    For the other alternative, every sensible metric shows how science is a better method than guessing to derive knowledge.

  • As a different, more techy, solution that can work depending on the people you collaborate with, is to use a hosted Git service for collaboration (if you want to stay completely open source, a self-hosted GitLab).

    Then, change your publication workflow to write in Markdown, ReST, or one of the other ascii formats that previews correctly, and set up your CI to render the documents automatically into, e.g., pdf:s using a converter. There are all kinds of converters from Markdown/ReST -> docs, presentation, etc. formats that are as competent - if not more so - than the usual office suites. This setup offers both online editing in the GitLab instance and offline by local cloning of the Git repo.

    The side effect is that this system very seriously records and preserve your document history. You can see exactly who, at what point, changed, added, and removed things. For some types of documents, this can be very important.