He/Him (CIS Male) 🏳️‍🌈|🌍| ♻️

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Education.

    No for real, a lot of right-wing thinking comes from just parroting disinformation and being in their own echo chamber circles.

    Educated people are more likely to ‘lean left’:

    Environment: Higher education institutions often emphasize critical thinking, questioning of traditional norms, and exposure to diverse perspectives. This can lead individuals to adopt more progressive or liberal views.

    Diversity: College and university settings are typically more diverse, exposing students to different cultures, ideas, and lifestyles.

    Rationalism: Educated individuals may place a higher value on scientific reasoning and empirical evidence, which can align more with policies and positions typically associated with the left, such as support for climate change action and public health initiatives.

    Perspective: Higher education can lead to an understanding of economic inequality and systemic issues. Educated individuals might support policies aimed at reducing inequality and improving social welfare.

    Career: Many educated individuals work in fields such as academia, healthcare, and social services, where left-leaning values like equity, public good, and social justice are prevalent.

    Generational: Younger generations, who are more likely to be college-educated today than in the past, tend to have more progressive views on social issues, such as LGBTQ+ rights and racial equality.

    Education is also ‘pushed’ by a lot of adults when I was a kid. I thought it was kinda normal / lame because duh, of course it’s important. I didn’t get grasp deepl WHY until I was older and realized it’s really a root causal issue of today’s problems.

  • I asked mine kinda like “whats the deal with these new medications?” Explaining I knew only a bit about the difference between the two, higher dose weight-loss (wegovy) VS. meant for diabetics (ozempic).

    The poor soul in the waiting room behind me… Must have waited 30 minutes beyond the initial appointment because my doctor was so excited passionate about what these drugs can help with. He talked about a full hour about it.

    My takeaways (I’m not a doctor or with a perfect memory, so I might get this a little wrong):

    He somewhat likened our ‘automation systems’ in the brain to can’t being able to discern between ‘starvation mode’ and ‘plentiful bounty of food’ mode. So starving yourself for example to lose weight can still chemically cause your body to ‘hold’ weight for example; sensing that you’re at threat of death if it continues for an extended time. Likewise when food is abundant, it can still hold weight because it’s protecting you from future potential death by starvation. These changes are not something we can consciously control for good reason. Imagine you can stop your own heart with a thought.

    I’m sure there is much more to it, but this ‘automation system’ in the brain sticks out.

    Lastly, he said that if we wait a bit there will be competing drugs and ‘older version’ of these new drugs which become out of patent… And cheaper. So I’ll go talk to him in the autumn for a refresher and update.

  • Literally my first thought. What about students? We are saddled with debt at the start of our adult lives after being told by our parents and grandparents and teacher and school counselors that we HAVE to go to college or we end up broke and on the street or ‘flipping burgers’. This toxic push has ironically made people broke and end up on the street, and flipping burgers is actually something people can do to get by due to minimum wage increases.

    Colleges and private lending firms can get fucked on this in my opinion. My college experience was basically feeling like a money piñata. Figuratively every step in any direction was designed to bleed the student dry, ON TOP OF their tuition. I mean books, parking which is not even guaranteed, fancy gyms and rec centers (you all must pay, even if not using) to draw in or attract new suckers students for the same shill.

    I’m not saying students don’t benefit or learn anything. However the cost and the massive debt students take on when not even fully aware of what consequences this will have on their future is staggering. If life lessons have a number, a good kick in the cojones would be the cost of going to college because literally everyone around you including family peer pressured you into it, and then later struggling to find work in normal jobs.

    Trickle that down to being unable to then afford a home or barely housing, food, energy. But you know, avocado fucking toast and everything is our fault amiright?

    But hey, back to not being able to call bankruptcy on student debt or have that affecting adults and their credit scores.

    This is not a new problem and Biden is the first to actually do something tangible about the debt problem there, but it’s still a start in my opinion. Real change needs to happen or the debt reservoir fills back up and colleges squeeze rocks ever harder.

    P.S.: And no, we’re not enrolling in underwater basket weaving degrees you right-wing parrot twats.

  • The New York Times quoted Bibi on this:

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel condemned the report, saying in a statement that the country’s military “is the most moral army in the world, and no delusional decision by the U.N. will change that.”

    Who’s delusional… 🤨 Most Moral Army… Uh huh. Kill those women and children. Moral my ass.

    It’s not antisemitic for criticizing Bibi. Especially that he’s acting like an asshole dictator.