Stay at home dad of four and a leftist from the Arctic Circle. A pain chronician whose pain is caused by dystonia and brain damage. Posting mostly pictures of dogs and nature. Interested in news and tech
Took me a while but now I’m laughing and wife at the other side of the room is asking why but I can’t, I just can’t…
Yes, November, yes in the evening and yes, at Rovaniemi
Yeah, one or two were in so bad shape that had to remove before some infection or something
And if there is a cheese in sight… All hell brakes loose
I know. Some people think their dogs are like tools. This one was a tool for hunting… I’m glad we found her before the previous owner did something else
Somebody else said the same. And yes, they sure look the same
Toveri is s former officer of Finn7 Army and he knows that we have 1300 km long border with Russia. Even though Russian army is mostly in Ukraine Finland can’t be ignorant about Russian threat. Fortunately Finnish army has good intelligent department and they know where Russian troops are