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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I hear what you’re saying but do you really think young people watched the debate? Debates are really just for sound bites for ads and Harris got what she needed there. Most young people just ingest the debates via shorts on YouTube, TikTok, etc and it’s easy to pull out the best stuff for those.

    Trump’s biggest problem is he is essentially at his ceiling of voters, about 46%.

  • Federal service at this level does not make rich people richer. Working for their corporations does and that’s exactly what most people do when they finish school. Corporations even tend to layoff experienced workers and hire new graduates because they are cheaper. Federal service looks this benefits everyone that takes advantage of federal services the agencies provide.

    Like I was trying to point out in my example, there is a vast amount of work that federal agencies need done that is not skilled labor. But there is value in exposing young people to a small section of how the federal government operates.

  • Federal service is very broad though. Just consider ask the different Federal Agencies and the roles they fill.

    For example, when I was in college I had a 6 month internship with the National Park Service doing trail maintenance for a national park. It serves me no purpose as a resume item but I look back on that time extremely fondly even though it was the hardest physical labor I’ve ever done. It was incredibly physical work with really 10+ miles of hiking every work day. The NPS across the US has an huge budgetary backlog of trail maintenance going back decades.

    That all is just an example but I’m sure the NPS could make great use of thousands of young workers to improve our parks. Similarly, I’m sure across the board the Federal Agencies would have a vast multitude of roles for this Federal service, including working for the DoD but in non military roles. Most of the agencies would have vast amounts of work that isn’t covered by their budgets so it just doesn’t get done.

  • As someone that was born and raised, and still lives in a super majority pro Trump part of the rural South, boy is this article true. I can’t begin to explain the rabid love so many have for Trump and the republican party.

    I was eating with some family at a restaurant and got to listen to them railing about the public schools grooming kids and letting them read porn. Even pointing out that they literally know the local teachers and go to church with them. Asking who is supposed to be doing what they are claiming gets absolutely nowhere.