i trust them to not have our best interest at heart
can be found here https://perchance.org/beautiful-people
i trust them to not have our best interest at heart
using definitions is cheating
as long as it’s a multiple of 50 you’ll be ok
Someone who identifies as an almond can also have breasts
in… creasing?
better than outcreasing i guess
interesting! thanks for sharing!
silly question maybe but after researching China a bit for a few days, I’m genuinely curious:
I like supporting the LGBTQ cause, which I could see making me want to avoid Trump probing, but from what I researched, China gov is not against LGBTQ. So is there any specific reason I should fear China looking at my stuff?
Is it basically if I have account info in messages they would hack my accounts?
Sounds normal. I assume America does the same to China, Russia, and all it’s competitors too?
making maps in warcraft 3 in elementary school and getting in to a mapmaking guild with people of all ages and genders. those were the days
we built a dataset of three of my comments and found that…
nice star in your name