• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • What I was taught was try to take their conclusion and see how hard it is to maintain it. For example if someone were to argue with me about the truth of their particular branch of Christianity I should do is show how many assumptions I need to make to get to it. I.e. there is a god, this God is personal, this God favors human life, this God choose one particular tribe, this God waited all that time to send his son down…

  • I am starting to miss the echo chamber of YouTube. I am a fairly leftwing atheist in a solid blue state that ranks near last in religious observance. And yet roughly a quarter of the suggested videos/ads I get are for things like Epoch Times, Prager U, HeGetsUs, PJ Media.

    Alright so the only way I am clicking on that stuff is by accident. From the advertisement point of view this is worse than selling iceboxes to Inuit, this is like trying to sell ribeye steaks to vegans with no money.

    Which makes you wonder what the future holds. Say you are Epoch Times and you find out the YouTube is pushing your product on people who actively don’t want to buy it how much longer are you going to pay Alphabet for a failed advertising campaign?

  • I am never going to give up my boring 2008 Honda civic. I will just repair it until I die. Cars sucked when I was a kid and they suck now. The only things that changed

    • The radio is a distracting touchscreen
    • The keys are confusing
    • They catch on fire from battery problems
    • The extended warranty is getting more extended and non-optional
    • You can’t just buy 3rd party parts or fix it yourself or bring it to the mechanic of your choice.

    The future of cars is the apple model. Except generally speaking apple products work. It would be one thing if they were putting out cars that had triple the fuel efficiency.

  • I had a Twitter account for about a week that I posted with, after that I made a new one and never posted. The most toxic disgusting social media site I have ever been on. The one and only good thing about it was how the local governments where I lived used to make all announcements with it. I plan to bring my kids to the reading event at the library, better check Twitter. Oh it got moved an hour later. Also the local mass transit system used it.

  • You are the product and right now the product is falling in value. I have known a few people who raise exotic animals and they treated them as nicely as a parent treats their own child. Now compare this to people who raise chickens.

    The easy money is drying up. Hence you, the product, are worth less money. I personally don’t really care all that much. The market was due for a correction well over a decade ago. The average person is worth about a dollar to Alphabet and when you think about how much you are getting the numbers never made sense. This dead weight mismatch has been skewing our entire economy. Engineers and project managers that would have gone into tangible items and paid for services instead were recruited to keep you on social media all day.

    There are only a finite amount of techies and no one is going to care if slack integrated with Google maps if we are drowning in human sewage.