An avid meme observer and Fediverse enthusiast.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I stopped reading out of habit as soon as I got to the “award winning design” and “form factor”. Such marketing buzzwords are usually a good sign telling me that part of the text has no valuable information and should be skipped.

    I hadn’t even noticed this habit and I have no idea when it started. I wonder what other subconscious reading optimizations I’ve made, and how they might impact the type of information I read without me realizing it…

  • By losing consciousness. Usually our minds keep us anchored to a single layer of the multiverse, even during our dreams (which do allow shifting between worlds) it pulls us back most of the time.

    If you have ever been unconscious, this most likely isn’t your original world. Symptoms usually include ‘misremembering’ of historical events or trivia, as well as changes in people’s attitudes towards you after the episode of unconsciousness.

    The longer you remain unconscious, the longer your ‘fall’ will be. Small fall will have you waking up in a mostly similar world, but the further you get from your home, the more differences will emerge. To travel into fundamentally different worlds would require longer than one human lifespan (not to mention additional spatial shifting to avoid landing in an environment hostile to life) and thus isn’t currently practical without help from Outside.