• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’ve only seen them both once. Though after seeing Romulus, I’m going to go back and watch all the movies again. I’m a pretty big fan of the rest of the movies to varying degrees. My thoughts were that outside of the Alien universe they could be OK scifi movies. But as part of the Alien lore, I felt they were poorly told, felt rushed, and didn’t feel consistent with the others. Having the xenomorphs designed felt like a cheap shot. The alien in the first one was scary as hell because it evolved as a perfect hunter. All it did was eat and breed, and neither of those things were less than nightmarish. It felt like Scott was trying to tell a bigger story than the series needed and really got away from O’Bannon’s vision (the same can be said about 3 and 4. I’d still argue that they felt like the same universe though)

    Like I say though, I’ve only seen them once, and it’s been a while.

  • My sarcasm is obvious but you still missed the point. This is just as valid an argument as the knuckledraggers will come up with. That is to say, not valid. This has nothing to do with free speech or any amendment. This is as hollow a take as anything the bearded, athletic sunglasses wearing mouth breathers come up with as evidenced by my parenthetical comment. I’m going to upvote your comment because this isn’t reddit and we should encourage discussion, not downvote opinions we don’t agree with or understand.

  • I’ve been divorced. It sucks. But it sucks way less than being trapped in a loveless, bitter relationship for far too long. Like the other poster says, get in therapy and work out what You want. Big change is scary and hard. Having to adjust to things we truly believed were settled is a motherfucker.

    This is opinion, but it seems to me that teaching your daughter that making changes, even when they’re hard, is important and dealing with big feelings should come first. At the end of the day, is it better for her to be loved in two houses or see the resentment build in one? For me, it was more important that my son be loved and feel safe in two homes. Teaching him to stay in a relationship because it was “easy” seemd wrong. Again, that’s an opinion, not an objective truth.