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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • All extremist sides are just everywhere because extremism tends to be the best way for populists to gather votes and attention. Democracy is completely useless when the population is uneducated and cannot choose what’s best for themselves in the long, and even in the short term.

    Here in Mexico things are getting wilder every year, people choose influencers and tv/sports stars just because they are famous, the president from 2012-2018 was chosen by a big percent of the population just because he was handsome lol

    But now the best selling point is extremism, blaming x because of y since you are a victim but we can do z, z being whatever nonsensical and irresponsible measure that would change things.

  • It’s somewhat better but heavily depends on what you play and how you play it. Empirically, it’s better as now I only find toxic players every 20 games or so, when before it was like 1/2. But I also recommend to just mute everything and everyone and stick to ARAM if you don’t like toxicity.

  • We are social creatures and there’s also loneliness epidemics popping everywhere, people are interacting less with people and interacting more with their opinion on the ideas of others.

    While opinions are important to develop your own character and critical thinking skills, there’s an inherent competitive nature on social platforms, where having a winning argument has become the main goal, and opinions that others identify with, lead to further divisions, instead of making like-minded people gather.

    Things do look grim for the future now that you’ll have AI running your echo chambers, distancing you from objective reality and just further isolating you into a self indulging solipsism.

    So you ask, why are we like this? The truth is that it’s more economical and rewarding to find self validation by dismissing others. It requires less effort as you only establish a connection to hurt and mock. You don’t have to go through the effort of learning, teaching, helping and being helped.

    Coming back to your example, we usually have a set of values, whether found through life or imposed by others, that we identify with, if we see something going against them we get frustrated and we want to do something about it, since most of us realistically cannot do shit about things then we go on and rant, but when others do the exact same, we fight them, it’s cheap, it’s easy it’s perfect to fulfil our need for action.

    What can we do to fight this?

    To be honest, I’m not sure.

    I just try to help others around me by listening to them and being interested in what they want to say.

  • There are multiple people falling prey to Nigerian/Philippines romance scams, thinking a celebrity/influencer/hot person is using an alt account to contact them because they fell in love with them at first sight.

    They give thousands of dollars, millions even. They take out loans, sell their houses, lose all their inheritance, all because they think they are special, when in truth they are just lonely enough to believe the lies that make them think their life has any meaning at all.

    The way these scams operate and how Trump manipulates people is virtually the same. It’s impressive what loneliness and egocentrism do to us and how vulnerable we can be to the most obvious lies.

  • Earlier this year, the State Customs Service of Ukraine registered 653 cases of disappeared humanitarian cargo for military purposes. Some of the missing materials included plates for body armor, night vision devices, thermal imagers, drones, and military vehicles.

    How the fuck are they “disappearing” military vehicles, having a whole third of the donations just vanish is really messed up.

    Ukraine has got to get its shit together and really fight corruption in a more meaningful way.